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* [[option_relay.color.client]] *relay.color.client*
** descrizione: pass:none[colore del testo per la descrizione del client]
** tipo: colore
** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
** valore predefinito: `+cyan+`
* [[option_relay.color.status_active]] *relay.color.status_active*
** descrizione: pass:none[colore del testo per lo status "connesso"]
2009-12-04 06:11:12 -05:00
** tipo: colore
** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
** valore predefinito: `+green+`
2009-12-04 06:11:12 -05:00
* [[option_relay.color.status_auth_failed]] *relay.color.status_auth_failed*
** descrizione: pass:none[colore del testo per lo status "autenticazione fallita"]
2009-12-04 06:11:12 -05:00
** tipo: colore
** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
** valore predefinito: `+lightmagenta+`
2009-12-04 06:11:12 -05:00
* [[option_relay.color.status_connecting]] *relay.color.status_connecting*
** descrizione: pass:none[colore del testo per lo status "connessione in corso"]
2009-12-04 06:11:12 -05:00
** tipo: colore
** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
** valore predefinito: `+white+`
2009-12-04 06:11:12 -05:00
* [[option_relay.color.status_disconnected]] *relay.color.status_disconnected*
** descrizione: pass:none[colore del testo per lo status "disconnesso"]
2009-12-04 06:11:12 -05:00
** tipo: colore
** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
** valore predefinito: `+lightred+`
2009-12-04 06:11:12 -05:00
* [[option_relay.color.status_waiting_auth]] *relay.color.status_waiting_auth*
** descrizione: pass:none[colore del testo per lo status "in attesa dell'autenticazione"]
2009-12-04 06:11:12 -05:00
** tipo: colore
** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
** valore predefinito: `+yellow+`
2009-12-04 06:11:12 -05:00
* [[option_relay.color.text]] *relay.color.text*
** descrizione: pass:none[colore del testo nei buffer relay]
2009-12-04 06:11:12 -05:00
** tipo: colore
** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
** valore predefinito: `+default+`
2009-12-04 06:11:12 -05:00
* [[option_relay.color.text_bg]] *relay.color.text_bg*
** descrizione: pass:none[colore di sfondo nel buffer relay]
2009-12-04 06:11:12 -05:00
** tipo: colore
** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
** valore predefinito: `+default+`
2009-12-04 06:11:12 -05:00
* [[option_relay.color.text_selected]] *relay.color.text_selected*
** descrizione: pass:none[colore del testo della riga selezionata nel buffer relay]
2009-12-04 06:11:12 -05:00
** tipo: colore
** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
** valore predefinito: `+white+`
2009-12-04 06:11:12 -05:00
* [[option_relay.irc.backlog_max_minutes]] *relay.irc.backlog_max_minutes*
** descrizione: pass:none[numero massimo di minuti nella cronologia per canale IRC (0 = nessun limite, esempi: 1440 = un giorno, 10000 = una settimana; 43200 = un mese, 525600 = un anno)]
** tipo: intero
** valori: 0 .. 2147483647
** valore predefinito: `+1440+`
* [[option_relay.irc.backlog_max_number]] *relay.irc.backlog_max_number*
** descrizione: pass:none[numero massimo di righe nella cronologia per canale IRC (0 = nessun limite)]
** tipo: intero
** valori: 0 .. 2147483647
** valore predefinito: `+256+`
* [[option_relay.irc.backlog_since_last_disconnect]] *relay.irc.backlog_since_last_disconnect*
** descrizione: pass:none[mostra la cronologia a partire dall'ultima disconnessione del client]
** tipo: bool
** valori: on, off
** valore predefinito: `+on+`
* [[option_relay.irc.backlog_since_last_message]] *relay.irc.backlog_since_last_message*
** descrizione: pass:none[display backlog starting from your last message]
** tipo: bool
** valori: on, off
** valore predefinito: `+off+`
* [[option_relay.irc.backlog_tags]] *relay.irc.backlog_tags*
** descrizione: pass:none[comma-separated list of messages tags which are displayed in backlog per IRC channel (supported tags: "irc_join", "irc_part", "irc_quit", "irc_nick", "irc_privmsg"), "*" = all supported tags]
** tipo: stringa
** valori: qualsiasi stringa
** valore predefinito: `+"irc_privmsg"+`
* [[option_relay.irc.backlog_time_format]] *relay.irc.backlog_time_format*
** descrizione: pass:none[format for time in backlog messages (see man strftime for format) (not used if server capability "server-time" was enabled by client, because time is sent as irc tag); empty string = disable time in backlog messages]
** tipo: stringa
** valori: qualsiasi stringa
** valore predefinito: `+"[%H:%M] "+`
* [[option_relay.look.auto_open_buffer]] *relay.look.auto_open_buffer*
** descrizione: pass:none[apre automaticamente il buffer relay alla connessione di un nuovo client]
2009-12-04 06:11:12 -05:00
** tipo: bool
** valori: on, off
** valore predefinito: `+on+`
2009-12-04 06:11:12 -05:00
* [[option_relay.look.raw_messages]] *relay.look.raw_messages*
** descrizione: pass:none[numero di messaggi raw da salvare in memoria quando il buffer dei dati raw viene chiuso (i messaggi verranno visualizzati all'apertura del buffer dei dati raw)]
** tipo: intero
** valori: 0 .. 65535
** valore predefinito: `+256+`
* [[option_relay.network.allow_empty_password]] *relay.network.allow_empty_password*
** descrizione: pass:none[allow empty password in relay (it should be enabled only for tests or local network)]
** tipo: bool
** valori: on, off
** valore predefinito: `+off+`
* [[option_relay.network.allowed_ips]] *relay.network.allowed_ips*
2018-10-22 13:06:05 -04:00
** descrizione: pass:none[POSIX extended regular expression with IPs allowed to use relay (case insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning to make it case sensitive), example: "^(123\.45\.67\.89|192\.160\..*)$"]
** tipo: stringa
** valori: qualsiasi stringa
** valore predefinito: `+""+`
* [[option_relay.network.auth_timeout]] *relay.network.auth_timeout*
** descrizione: pass:none[timeout (in seconds) for client authentication: connection is closed if the client is still not authenticated after this delay and the client status is set to "authentication failed" (0 = wait forever)]
** tipo: intero
** valori: 0 .. 2147483647
** valore predefinito: `+60+`
* [[option_relay.network.bind_address]] *relay.network.bind_address*
** descrizione: pass:none[indirizzo per l'associazione (se vuoto, la connessione è possibile su tutte le interfacce, usare "" per consentire le connessioni solo dalla macchina locale)]
** tipo: stringa
** valori: qualsiasi stringa
** valore predefinito: `+""+`
* [[option_relay.network.clients_purge_delay]] *relay.network.clients_purge_delay*
** descrizione: pass:none[delay for purging disconnected clients (in minutes, 0 = purge clients immediately, -1 = never purge)]
** tipo: intero
** valori: -1 .. 43200
** valore predefinito: `+0+`
* [[option_relay.network.compression_level]] *relay.network.compression_level*
** descrizione: pass:none[livello di compressione per i pacchetti inviati al client con il protocollo WeeChat (0 = disabilita compressione, 1 = compressione bassa ... 9 = compressione migliore)]
** tipo: intero
** valori: 0 .. 9
** valore predefinito: `+6+`
* [[option_relay.network.ipv6]] *relay.network.ipv6*
** descrizione: pass:none[listen on IPv6 socket by default (in addition to IPv4 which is default); protocols IPv4 and IPv6 can be forced (individually or together) in the protocol name (see /help relay)]
** tipo: bool
** valori: on, off
** valore predefinito: `+on+`
* [[option_relay.network.max_clients]] *relay.network.max_clients*
** descrizione: pass:none[maximum number of clients connecting to a port (0 = no limit)]
2009-12-04 06:11:12 -05:00
** tipo: intero
** valori: 0 .. 2147483647
** valore predefinito: `+5+`
2009-12-04 06:11:12 -05:00
* [[option_relay.network.password]] *relay.network.password*
** descrizione: pass:none[password required by clients to access this relay (empty value means no password required, see option relay.network.allow_empty_password) (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval)]
2010-09-17 10:44:35 -04:00
** tipo: stringa
** valori: qualsiasi stringa
** valore predefinito: `+""+`
2010-09-17 10:44:35 -04:00
* [[option_relay.network.ssl_cert_key]] *relay.network.ssl_cert_key*
** descrizione: pass:none[file con il certificato SSL e la chiave privata (per servire i client con SSL)]
** tipo: stringa
** valori: qualsiasi stringa
** valore predefinito: `+"%h/ssl/relay.pem"+`
* [[option_relay.network.ssl_priorities]] *relay.network.ssl_priorities*
** descrizione: pass:none[stringa con le priorità per gnutls (per la sintassi, consultare la documentazione per la funzione gnutls_priority_init nel manuale di gnutls, stringhe comuni sono: "PERFORMANCE", "NORMAL", "SECURE128", "SECURE256", "EXPORT", "NONE")]
** tipo: stringa
** valori: qualsiasi stringa
** valore predefinito: `+"NORMAL:-VERS-SSL3.0"+`
2018-11-04 08:43:59 -05:00
* [[option_relay.network.totp_secret]] *relay.network.totp_secret*
** descrizione: pass:none[secret for the generation of the Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP), encoded in base32 (only letters and digits from 2 to 7); it is used as second factor in weechat protocol, in addition to the password, which must not be empty (empty value means no TOTP is required) (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval)]
** tipo: stringa
** valori: qualsiasi stringa
** valore predefinito: `+""+`
* [[option_relay.network.totp_window]] *relay.network.totp_window*
** descrizione: pass:none[number of Time-based One-Time Passwords to accept before and after the current one: 0 = accept only the current password, 1 = accept one password before, the current, and one after, 2 = accept two passwords before, the current, and two after, ...; a high number reduces the security level (0 or 1 are recommended values)]
** tipo: intero
** valori: 0 .. 256
** valore predefinito: `+0+`
* [[option_relay.network.websocket_allowed_origins]] *relay.network.websocket_allowed_origins*
** descrizione: pass:none[POSIX extended regular expression with origins allowed in websockets (case insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning to make it case sensitive), example: "^https?://(www\.)?example\.(com|org)"]
** tipo: stringa
** valori: qualsiasi stringa
** valore predefinito: `+""+`
* [[option_relay.weechat.commands]] *relay.weechat.commands*
** descrizione: pass:none[comma-separated list of commands allowed/denied when input data (text or command) is received from a client; "*" means any command, a name beginning with "!" is a negative value to prevent a command from being executed, wildcard "*" is allowed in names; this option should be set if the relay client is not safe (someone could use it to run commands); for example "*,!exec,!quit" allows any command except /exec and /quit]
** tipo: stringa
** valori: qualsiasi stringa
** valore predefinito: `+""+`