xybrid/save format

48 lines
1.3 KiB

Xybrid's various save formats are CBOR objects; CBOR was chosen over msgpack due to Qt5.12 having built-in support
probably have a field of raw data for (some) node saves, and keep it resident in case of plugin crashes
extensions {
.xyp - project
.xyg - graph
project: [
(int version)
"meta": { "artist": ... "title": ... "comment": ... etc. }
"patterns": [ array of pattern structs ]
"sequence": [ array of pattern numbers, int, separator is anything negative ]
"graph": { root graph (contents) }
pattern: {
"name": "asdf"
"channels": [ {
"name": "asdf"
"rows": [ // probably better name...
[ int port, int note, n*(int c, int amt) ] // for each row
// any number of empty rows is expressed as an integer number of rows skipped
// this number is only written if there are any non-empty rows after
} ] // if no channels have their last row filled, an integer representing the
// total number of rows is written as the last entry of the channel array
sample: {
"name": "asdf"
"type": "raw"
"rate": 48000
"channels": 2
"data" : [ len*channels float32s as raw bytefield ]
also sample variant using flac?