old one was less artifacty; convert beatpad to new sample func

zetaPRIME 2021-11-10 18:38:33 -05:00
parent 4c6c135617
commit a78d41b134
2 changed files with 4 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ const std::array<std::array<double, LUT_TAPS>, LUT_STEPS> Xybrid::NodeLib::resam
double sv = static_cast<double>(step) / LUT_STEPS; // subvalue (offset of tap position)
for (size_t tap = 0; tap < LUT_TAPS; tap++) {
double x = static_cast<double>(tap) - sv; // x position of tap;
//double kaiser = cyl_bessel_i(0, KAISER_BETA * std::sqrt(1 - std::pow(((2 * (x+1)) / (LUT_TAPS)) - 1, 2))) / denom; // old kaiser window generation
double kaiser = cyl_bessel_i(0, KAISER_BETA * std::sqrt(1.0 - std::pow( (2.0*x)/(LUT_TAPS-2) - 1.0, 2 ) ) ) / denom; // kaiser window of length LUT_TAPS-1
double kaiser = cyl_bessel_i(0, KAISER_BETA * std::sqrt(1.0 - std::pow( ( (2.0*(x+1))/(LUT_TAPS) ) - 1.0, 2 ) ) ) / denom; // original kaiser window generation
//double kaiser = cyl_bessel_i(0, KAISER_BETA * std::sqrt(1.0 - std::pow( (2.0*x)/(LUT_TAPS-2) - 1.0, 2 ) ) ) / denom; // by-the-book kaiser window of length LUT_TAPS-1
//double idl = (2.0*PI)/(LUT_TAPS-1);
//double kaiser = 0.40243 - 0.49804 * std::cos(idl * x) + 0.09831 * std::cos(2.0 * idl * x) - 0.00122 * std::cos(3.0 * idl * x); // approximate
t[step][tap] = sinc(x-(LUT_TAPS/2-1)) * std::max(kaiser, 0.0); // sinc function centered on main tap, offset by subvalue, multiplied by window

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@ -105,19 +105,9 @@ void BeatPad::init() {
// actual sample pos
double sp = static_cast<double>(start) + data.sampleTime * rate;
if (sp >= static_cast<double>(end)) return core.deleteNote(note);
double ip = std::floor(sp);
double fp = sp - ip;
size_t lutIndex = static_cast<size_t>(fp*NodeLib::LUT_STEPS) % NodeLib::LUT_STEPS;
auto& pt = NodeLib::resamplerLUT[lutIndex];
AudioFrame out(0.0);
auto ii = static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(ip) - 3;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
auto si = ii+static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(i);
if (si >= start && si < static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(end)) out += (*smp)[static_cast<size_t>(si)] * pt[i];
// stuff
auto out = NodeLib::resamp(smp.get(), sp, rate);
(*p)[i] += out.gainBalance(0, note.pan) * note.ampMult();
data.sampleTime += 1;