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// This file is auto-generated by script docgen.py.
* [[option_spell.check.commands]] *spell.check.commands*
** descrizione: pass:none[elenco separato da virgole di comandi per cui il controllo ortografico è abilitato (il controllo ortografico è disabilitato per tutti gli altri comandi)]
** tipo: stringa
** valori: qualsiasi stringa
** valore predefinito: `+"ame,amsg,away,command,cycle,kick,kickban,me,msg,notice,part,query,quit,topic"+`
* [[option_spell.check.default_dict]] *spell.check.default_dict*
** descrizione: pass:none[default dictionary (or comma separated list of dictionaries) to use when buffer has no dictionary defined (leave blank to disable spell checker on buffers for which you didn't explicitly enabled it)]
** tipo: stringa
** valori: qualsiasi stringa
** valore predefinito: `+""+`
* [[option_spell.check.during_search]] *spell.check.during_search*
** descrizione: pass:none[controlla le parole durante la ricerca del testo nel buffer]
** tipo: bool
** valori: on, off
** valore predefinito: `+off+`
* [[option_spell.check.enabled]] *spell.check.enabled*
** descrizione: pass:none[enable spell checker for command line]
** tipo: bool
** valori: on, off
** valore predefinito: `+off+`
* [[option_spell.check.real_time]] *spell.check.real_time*
** descrizione: pass:none[controllo ortografico in tempo reale (più lento, disabilitato per default: le parole vengono controllate solo se seguite da un delimitatore)]
** tipo: bool
** valori: on, off
** valore predefinito: `+off+`
* [[option_spell.check.suggestions]] *spell.check.suggestions*
** descrizione: pass:none[number of suggestions to display in bar item "spell_suggest" for each dictionary set in buffer (-1 = disable suggestions, 0 = display all possible suggestions in all languages)]
** tipo: intero
** valori: -1 .. 2147483647
** valore predefinito: `+-1+`
* [[option_spell.check.word_min_length]] *spell.check.word_min_length*
** descrizione: pass:none[lunghezza minima per una parola da controllare (0 per controllarle tutte)]
** tipo: intero
** valori: 0 .. 2147483647
** valore predefinito: `+2+`
* [[option_spell.color.misspelled]] *spell.color.misspelled*
** descrizione: pass:none[text color for misspelled words (input bar)]
** tipo: colore
** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
** valore predefinito: `+lightred+`
* [[option_spell.color.suggestion]] *spell.color.suggestion*
** descrizione: pass:none[text color for suggestion on a misspelled word in bar item "spell_suggest"]
** tipo: colore
** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
** valore predefinito: `+default+`
* [[option_spell.color.suggestion_delimiter_dict]] *spell.color.suggestion_delimiter_dict*
** descrizione: pass:none[text color for delimiters displayed between two dictionaries in bar item "spell_suggest"]
** tipo: colore
** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
** valore predefinito: `+cyan+`
* [[option_spell.color.suggestion_delimiter_word]] *spell.color.suggestion_delimiter_word*
** descrizione: pass:none[text color for delimiters displayed between two words in bar item "spell_suggest"]
** tipo: colore
** valori: a WeeChat color name (default, black, (dark)gray, white, (light)red, (light)green, brown, yellow, (light)blue, (light)magenta, (light)cyan), a terminal color number or an alias; attributes are allowed before color (for text color only, not background): "*" for bold, "!" for reverse, "/" for italic, "_" for underline
** valore predefinito: `+cyan+`
* [[option_spell.look.suggestion_delimiter_dict]] *spell.look.suggestion_delimiter_dict*
** descrizione: pass:none[delimiter displayed between two dictionaries in bar item "spell_suggest"]
** tipo: stringa
** valori: qualsiasi stringa
** valore predefinito: `+" / "+`
* [[option_spell.look.suggestion_delimiter_word]] *spell.look.suggestion_delimiter_word*
** descrizione: pass:none[delimiter displayed between two words in bar item "spell_suggest"]
** tipo: stringa
** valori: qualsiasi stringa
** valore predefinito: `+","+`