core: update translations (issue #1055, issue #1312)

Sébastien Helleu 2019-02-23 13:40:23 +01:00
parent c84ac65954
commit 4a13e1ac7e
19 changed files with 682 additions and 567 deletions

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@ -351,61 +351,62 @@ Beispiele (Bedingungen):
/filter list
enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@]
add <name> <buffer>[,<buffer>...] <tags> <regex>
add|addreplace <name> <buffer>[,<buffer>...] <tags> <regex>
rename <name> <new_name>
del <name>|-all
list: alle Filter auflisten
enable: Filter wird aktiviert (Filter werden standardmäßig aktiviert)
disable: Filter deaktivieren
toggle: Filter umschalten
name: Name des Filters ("@" = aktiviert/deaktiviert alle Filter im aktuellen Buffer)
add: Filter hinzufügen
rename: benennt einen Filter um
del: Filter entfernen
-all: entfernt alle Filter
buffer: durch Kommata getrennte Liste von Buffer in denen der Filter aktiv sein soll:
- ist der vollständige Name eines Buffer inklusive seiner Erweiterung (Beispiel: "irc.freenode.#weechat" oder "irc.server.freenode")
- "*" bedeutet, alle Buffer
- beginnt ein Name mit '!' wird für diesen Buffer kein Filter genutzt
- Platzhalter "*" kann verwendet werden
tags: durch Kommata getrennte Liste von Schlagwörtern. Zum Beispiel: "irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit"
- logisch "und": mittels "+" zwischen den Tags (zum Beispiel: "nick_toto+irc_action")
- Platzhalter "*" kann verwendet werden
- wird ein Tag mit '!' eingeleitet, dann muss dieser Tag NICHT in der Nachricht enthalten sein
regex: erweiterter regulärer POSIX Ausdruck, um in einer Zeile zu suchen
- das Präfix (z.B. Nick) wird mittels '\t' von der Nachricht getrennt. Sonderzeichen wie '|' müssen mit einer Escapesequenz : '\|' eingebunden werden)
- wird ein regulärer Ausdruck mit '!' eingeleitet dann wird das übereinstimmende Ergebnis umgekehrt (nutze '\!' um mit '!' zu beginnen)
- es werden zwei reguläre Ausdrücke erstellt: Der erste für den Präfix und der zweite für die eigentliche Nachricht
- reguläre Ausdrücke unterscheiden nicht zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung. Um zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung zu unterscheiden müssen diese mit "(?-i)" eingeleitet werden.
list: list all filters
enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)
disable: disable filters
toggle: toggle filters
name: filter name ("@" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)
add: add a filter
addreplace: add or replace an existing filter
rename: rename a filter
del: delete a filter
-all: delete all filters
buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:
- this is full name including plugin (example: "irc.freenode.#weechat" or "irc.server.freenode")
- "*" means all buffers
- a name starting with '!' is excluded
- wildcard "*" is allowed
tags: comma separated list of tags, for example "irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit"
- logical "and": use "+" between tags (for example: "nick_toto+irc_action")
- wildcard "*" is allowed
- if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in message
regex: POSIX extended regular expression to search in line
- use '\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' must be escaped: '\|'
- if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use '\!' to start with '!')
- two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for message
- regex are case insensitive, they can start by "(?-i)" to become case sensitive
Mit der Tastenvoreinstellung alt+'=' kann die globale Filterfunktion (de-)aktiviert werden und alt+'-' (de-)aktiviert die Filterfunktion für den aktuellen Buffer.
The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off globally and alt+'-' toggles filtering on/off in the current buffer.
Die am häufigsten gebrauchten Schlagwörter lauten:
no_filter, no_highlight, no_log, log0..log9 (log Level),
Tags most commonly used:
no_filter, no_highlight, no_log, log0..log9 (log level),
notify_none, notify_message, notify_private, notify_highlight,
self_msg, nick_xxx (xxx ist der Nickname), prefix_nick_ccc (ccc ist die Farbe mit der der Nick dargestellt wird),
host_xxx (xxx ist der Username + Host in Nachricht),
irc_xxx (xxx ist durch einen IRC-Befehl/-Nummer zu ersetzen, siehe /server raw oder /debug tags)
self_msg, nick_xxx (xxx is nick in message), prefix_nick_ccc (ccc is color of nick),
host_xxx (xxx is username + host in message),
irc_xxx (xxx is command name or number, see /server raw or /debug tags),
irc_numeric, irc_error, irc_action, irc_ctcp, irc_ctcp_reply, irc_smart_filter, away_info.
Mittels "/debug tags" kann man sich die Schlagwörter jeder einzelnen Zeile darstellen lassen.
To see tags for lines in buffers: /debug tags
aktiviert den intelligenten IRC Filter für alle Buffer:
use IRC smart filter on all buffers:
/filter add irc_smart * irc_smart_filter *
aktiviert den intelligenten IRC Filter für alle Buffer, außer Buffer die "#weechat" im Namen tragen:
use IRC smart filter on all buffers except those with "#weechat" in name:
/filter add irc_smart *,!*#weechat* irc_smart_filter *
filtert alle IRC join/part/quit Nachrichten:
filter all IRC join/part/quit messages:
/filter add joinquit * irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit *
filtert Nicks wenn diese den Channel betreten oder durch den Befehl "/names" angezeigt werden:
filter nicks displayed when joining channels or with /names:
/filter add nicks * irc_366 *
filtert Nick "toto" im IRC Channel #weechat:
filter nick "toto" on IRC channel #weechat:
/filter add toto irc.freenode.#weechat nick_toto *
filtert IRC join/action Nachrichten von Nick "toto":
filter IRC join/action messages from nick "toto":
/filter add toto * nick_toto+irc_join,nick_toto+irc_action *
filtert Zeilen die "weechat sucks" im IRC Channel #weechat enthalten:
filter lines containing "weechat sucks" on IRC channel #weechat:
/filter add sucks irc.freenode.#weechat * weechat sucks
filter Zeilen die exakt "WeeChat sucks" lauten und das in allen Buffern:
filter lines that are strictly equal to "WeeChat sucks" on all buffers:
/filter add sucks2 * * (?-i)^WeeChat sucks$

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@ -351,33 +351,34 @@ Examples (conditions):
/filter list
enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@]
add <name> <buffer>[,<buffer>...] <tags> <regex>
add|addreplace <name> <buffer>[,<buffer>...] <tags> <regex>
rename <name> <new_name>
del <name>|-all
list: list all filters
enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)
disable: disable filters
toggle: toggle filters
name: filter name ("@" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)
add: add a filter
rename: rename a filter
del: delete a filter
-all: delete all filters
buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:
- this is full name including plugin (example: "irc.freenode.#weechat" or "irc.server.freenode")
- "*" means all buffers
- a name starting with '!' is excluded
- wildcard "*" is allowed
list: list all filters
enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)
disable: disable filters
toggle: toggle filters
name: filter name ("@" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)
add: add a filter
addreplace: add or replace an existing filter
rename: rename a filter
del: delete a filter
-all: delete all filters
buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:
- this is full name including plugin (example: "irc.freenode.#weechat" or "irc.server.freenode")
- "*" means all buffers
- a name starting with '!' is excluded
- wildcard "*" is allowed
tags: comma separated list of tags, for example "irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit"
- logical "and": use "+" between tags (for example: "nick_toto+irc_action")
- wildcard "*" is allowed
- if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in message
- logical "and": use "+" between tags (for example: "nick_toto+irc_action")
- wildcard "*" is allowed
- if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in message
regex: POSIX extended regular expression to search in line
- use '\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' must be escaped: '\|'
- if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use '\!' to start with '!')
- two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for message
- regex are case insensitive, they can start by "(?-i)" to become case sensitive
- use '\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' must be escaped: '\|'
- if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use '\!' to start with '!')
- two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for message
- regex are case insensitive, they can start by "(?-i)" to become case sensitive
The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off globally and alt+'-' toggles filtering on/off in the current buffer.

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ Exemples (conditions) :
/filter list
enable|disable|toggle [<nom>|@]
add <nom> <tampon>[,<tampon>...] <étiquettes> <regex>
add|addreplace <nom> <tampon>[,<tampon>...] <étiquettes> <regex>
rename <nom> <nouveau_nom>
del <nom>|-all
@ -361,6 +361,7 @@ Exemples (conditions) :
toggle : activer/désactiver les filtres
nom : nom de filtre ("@" = activer/désactiver tous les filtres dans le tampon courant)
add : ajouter un filtre
addreplace : ajouter ou remplacer un filtre existant
rename : renommer un filtre
del : supprimer un filtre
-all : supprimer tous les filtres

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@ -351,33 +351,34 @@ Examples (conditions):
/filter list
enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@]
add <name> <buffer>[,<buffer>...] <tags> <regex>
add|addreplace <name> <buffer>[,<buffer>...] <tags> <regex>
rename <name> <new_name>
del <name>|-all
list: list all filters
enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)
disable: disable filters
toggle: toggle filters
name: filter name ("@" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)
add: add a filter
rename: rename a filter
del: delete a filter
-all: delete all filters
buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:
- this is full name including plugin (example: "irc.freenode.#weechat" or "irc.server.freenode")
- "*" means all buffers
- a name starting with '!' is excluded
- wildcard "*" is allowed
list: list all filters
enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)
disable: disable filters
toggle: toggle filters
name: filter name ("@" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)
add: add a filter
addreplace: add or replace an existing filter
rename: rename a filter
del: delete a filter
-all: delete all filters
buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:
- this is full name including plugin (example: "irc.freenode.#weechat" or "irc.server.freenode")
- "*" means all buffers
- a name starting with '!' is excluded
- wildcard "*" is allowed
tags: comma separated list of tags, for example "irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit"
- logical "and": use "+" between tags (for example: "nick_toto+irc_action")
- wildcard "*" is allowed
- if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in message
- logical "and": use "+" between tags (for example: "nick_toto+irc_action")
- wildcard "*" is allowed
- if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in message
regex: POSIX extended regular expression to search in line
- use '\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' must be escaped: '\|'
- if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use '\!' to start with '!')
- two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for message
- regex are case insensitive, they can start by "(?-i)" to become case sensitive
- use '\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' must be escaped: '\|'
- if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use '\!' to start with '!')
- two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for message
- regex are case insensitive, they can start by "(?-i)" to become case sensitive
The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off globally and alt+'-' toggles filtering on/off in the current buffer.

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@ -351,61 +351,62 @@ hdata と変数の名前については、"プラグイン API リファレン
/filter list
enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@]
add <name> <buffer>[,<buffer>...] <tags> <regex>
add|addreplace <name> <buffer>[,<buffer>...] <tags> <regex>
rename <name> <new_name>
del <name>|-all
list: 全てのフィルタをリストアップ
enable: フィルタを有効化 (フィルタはデフォルトで有効になっています)
disable: フィルタを無効化
toggle: フィルタの有効無効を切り替え
name: フィルタの名前 ("@" = 現在のバッファに設定されている全てのフィルタを有効化/無効化)
add: フィルタを追加
rename: フィルタをリネーム
del: フィルタを削除
-all: 全てのフィルタを削除
buffer: フィルタが有効化されているバッファのコンマ区切りリスト:
- これはプラグイン名を含む完全な名前です (例: "irc.freenode.#weechat" または "irc.server.freenode")
- "*" は全てのバッファを意味します
- 名前が '!' から始まるものは除外されます
- ワイルドカード "*" を使うことができます
tags: タグのコンマ区切りリスト、例えば "irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit"
- 論理積 "and": タグ同士を "+" でつなげてください (例: "nick_toto+irc_action")
- ワイルドカード "*" を使うことができます
- タグを '!' で始めると、そのタグが付けられたメッセージとそのタグを含むメッセージはフィルタされません
regex: 行単位検索の正規表現
- '\t' を使うと、プレフィックスをメッセージから分離できます。'|' 等の特別な文字は '\|' のようにエスケープしなければいけません
- 正規表現の最初に '!' が含まれる場合は、マッチ結果が反転されます (最初の '!' にマッチさせたければ、'\!' を使ってください)
- 2 種類の正規表現があります: 一方はプレフィックス用、他方はメッセージ用
- 正規表現は大文字小文字を区別しません、"(?-i)" から始まる場合は区別します
list: list all filters
enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)
disable: disable filters
toggle: toggle filters
name: filter name ("@" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)
add: add a filter
addreplace: add or replace an existing filter
rename: rename a filter
del: delete a filter
-all: delete all filters
buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:
- this is full name including plugin (example: "irc.freenode.#weechat" or "irc.server.freenode")
- "*" means all buffers
- a name starting with '!' is excluded
- wildcard "*" is allowed
tags: comma separated list of tags, for example "irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit"
- logical "and": use "+" between tags (for example: "nick_toto+irc_action")
- wildcard "*" is allowed
- if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in message
regex: POSIX extended regular expression to search in line
- use '\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' must be escaped: '\|'
- if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use '\!' to start with '!')
- two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for message
- regex are case insensitive, they can start by "(?-i)" to become case sensitive
デフォルトではキー alt+'=' ですべてのバッファについてフィルタリングの on/off を切り替えられます。現在のバッファに限りフィルタリングを切り替えるには alt+'-' を使います。
The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off globally and alt+'-' toggles filtering on/off in the current buffer.
no_filter、no_highlight、no_log、log0..log9 (ログレベル)、
self_msg、nick_xxx (xxx はメッセージのニックネーム部分)、prefix_nick_ccc (ccc はニックネームの色)、
host_xxx (xxx はメッセージのユーザ名 + ホスト名部分)、
irc_xxx (xxx はコマンド名または番号、/server raw または /debug tags で確認)、
バッファ内でタグを見るには: /debug tags
Tags most commonly used:
no_filter, no_highlight, no_log, log0..log9 (log level),
notify_none, notify_message, notify_private, notify_highlight,
self_msg, nick_xxx (xxx is nick in message), prefix_nick_ccc (ccc is color of nick),
host_xxx (xxx is username + host in message),
irc_xxx (xxx is command name or number, see /server raw or /debug tags),
irc_numeric, irc_error, irc_action, irc_ctcp, irc_ctcp_reply, irc_smart_filter, away_info.
To see tags for lines in buffers: /debug tags
全てのバッファで IRC スマートフィルタを使用:
use IRC smart filter on all buffers:
/filter add irc_smart * irc_smart_filter *
名前に "#weechat" を含むバッファを除いた全てのバッファで IRC スマートフィルタを使用:
use IRC smart filter on all buffers except those with "#weechat" in name:
/filter add irc_smart *,!*#weechat* irc_smart_filter *
全ての IRC join/part/quit メッセージをフィルタ:
filter all IRC join/part/quit messages:
/filter add joinquit * irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit *
チャンネルに入った時や /names で表示されるニックネームをフィルタ:
filter nicks displayed when joining channels or with /names:
/filter add nicks * irc_366 *
IRC チャンネル #weechat で "toto" を含むニックネームをフィルタ:
filter nick "toto" on IRC channel #weechat:
/filter add toto irc.freenode.#weechat nick_toto *
ニックネーム "toto" からの IRC の参加/アクションメッセージをフィルタ:
filter IRC join/action messages from nick "toto":
/filter add toto * nick_toto+irc_join,nick_toto+irc_action *
IRC チャンネル #weechat で "weechat sucks" を含む行をフィルタ:
filter lines containing "weechat sucks" on IRC channel #weechat:
/filter add sucks irc.freenode.#weechat * weechat sucks
すべてのバッファで "WeeChat sucks" と完全に一致する行をフィルタ:
filter lines that are strictly equal to "WeeChat sucks" on all buffers:
/filter add sucks2 * * (?-i)^WeeChat sucks$

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@ -350,62 +350,63 @@ Przykłady (warunki):
/filter list
enable|disable|toggle [<nazwa>|@]
add <nazwa> <bufor>[,<bufor>...] <tagi> <regex>
rename <nazwa> <nowa_nazwa>
del <nazwa>|-all
enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@]
add|addreplace <name> <buffer>[,<buffer>...] <tags> <regex>
rename <name> <new_name>
del <name>|-all
list: wyświetla wszystkie filtry
enable: włącza filtry (filtry są domyślnie włączone)
disable: wyłącza filtry
toggle: przełącza filtry
nazwa: nazwa filtru ("@" = włącza/wyłącza wszystkie filtry w obecnym buforze)
add: dodaje filtr
rename: zmienia nazwę filtru
del: usuwa filtr
-all: usuwa wszystkie filtry
bufor: oddzielona przecinkami lisa buforów, dla których filtr jest aktywny:
- jest to pełna nazwa zawierająca wtyczkę (przykład: "irc.freenode.#weechat" lub "irc.server.freenode")
- "*" oznacza wszystkie bufory
- nazwa zaczynająca się od '!' jest wykluczana
- dozwolony jest znak "*"
tagi: lista tagów oddzielona przecinkiem, np: "irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit"
- logiczne "i": użyj "+" pomiędzy tagami (na przykład: "nick_toto+irc_action")
- dozwolony jest znak "*"
- jeśli tag zaczyna się od '!', wtedy jest on wykluczony i NIE może znajdować się w wiadomości
regex: rozszerzone wyrażenie regularne POSIX do wyszukania w linii
- użyj '\t' do oddzielenia prefiksu od wiadomości, znaki specjalne jak '|' muszą zostać poprzedzone '\' np: '\|'
- jeśli wyrażenie zaczyna się od '!', wtedy pasujący wynik jest odwracany (użyj '\!', aby zacząć od '!')
- dwa wyrażenia są tworzone: jedno dla prefiksu, drugie dla wiadomości
- wielkość znaków nie ma znaczenia dla wyrażeń, jeśli zaczynają się od "(?-i)" wielkość znaków ma znaczenie
list: list all filters
enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)
disable: disable filters
toggle: toggle filters
name: filter name ("@" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)
add: add a filter
addreplace: add or replace an existing filter
rename: rename a filter
del: delete a filter
-all: delete all filters
buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:
- this is full name including plugin (example: "irc.freenode.#weechat" or "irc.server.freenode")
- "*" means all buffers
- a name starting with '!' is excluded
- wildcard "*" is allowed
tags: comma separated list of tags, for example "irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit"
- logical "and": use "+" between tags (for example: "nick_toto+irc_action")
- wildcard "*" is allowed
- if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in message
regex: POSIX extended regular expression to search in line
- use '\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' must be escaped: '\|'
- if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use '\!' to start with '!')
- two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for message
- regex are case insensitive, they can start by "(?-i)" to become case sensitive
Domyślny skrót klawiszowy alt+'=' włącza/wyłącza filtrowanie globalnie i alt+'-' włącza/wyłącza filtrowanie w obecnym buforze.
The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off globally and alt+'-' toggles filtering on/off in the current buffer.
Najczęściej używane tagi:
no_filter, no_highlight, no_log, log0..log9 (poziom logowania),
Tags most commonly used:
no_filter, no_highlight, no_log, log0..log9 (log level),
notify_none, notify_message, notify_private, notify_highlight,
self_msg, nick_xxx (xxx to nick w wiadomości), prefix_nick_ccc (ccc to kolor nicka),
host_xxx (xxx to użytkownik + host w wiadomości),
irc_xxx (xxx to nazwa komendy, lub numer; zobacz /server raw lub /debug tags),
self_msg, nick_xxx (xxx is nick in message), prefix_nick_ccc (ccc is color of nick),
host_xxx (xxx is username + host in message),
irc_xxx (xxx is command name or number, see /server raw or /debug tags),
irc_numeric, irc_error, irc_action, irc_ctcp, irc_ctcp_reply, irc_smart_filter, away_info.
Aby zobaczyć listę tagów w liniach buforów wykonaj: /debug tags
To see tags for lines in buffers: /debug tags
użyj inteligentnego filtru we wszystkich buforach IRC:
use IRC smart filter on all buffers:
/filter add irc_smart * irc_smart_filter *
użyj inteligentnego filtru we wszystkich buforach IRC poza tymi zawierającymi "#weechat" w nazwie:
use IRC smart filter on all buffers except those with "#weechat" in name:
/filter add irc_smart *,!*#weechat* irc_smart_filter *
filtruj wszystkie wiadomości IRC o join/part/quit:
filter all IRC join/part/quit messages:
/filter add joinquit * irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit *
filtruj nicki wyświetlane przy wejściu na kanał albo za pomocą /names:
filter nicks displayed when joining channels or with /names:
/filter add nicks * irc_366 *
filtruj nick "toto" na kanale IRC #weechat:
filter nick "toto" on IRC channel #weechat:
/filter add toto irc.freenode.#weechat nick_toto *
filtruj wejścia/akcje IRC od użytkownika "toto":
filter IRC join/action messages from nick "toto":
/filter add toto * nick_toto+irc_join,nick_toto+irc_action *
filtruj linie zawierające frazę "weechat sucks" na kanale IRC #weechat:
filter lines containing "weechat sucks" on IRC channel #weechat:
/filter add sucks irc.freenode.#weechat * weechat sucks
filtruj linie "WeeChat sucks" we wszystkich buforach:
filter lines that are strictly equal to "WeeChat sucks" on all buffers:
/filter add sucks2 * * (?-i)^WeeChat sucks$

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-19 21:29+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-23 13:36+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-01-29 21:01+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Ondřej Súkup <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1612,7 +1612,7 @@ msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add <name> <buffer>[,"
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add|addreplace <name> <buffer>[,"
"<buffer>...] <tags> <regex> || rename <name> <new_name> || del <name>|-all"
msgstr ""
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<jméno>] || add <jméno> <buffer>[,"
@ -1620,37 +1620,39 @@ msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
"disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)\n"
" add: add a filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
" disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current "
" add: add a filter\n"
"addreplace: add or replace an existing filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
"#weechat\" or \"irc.server.freenode\")\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" tags: comma separated list of tags, for example \"irc_join,irc_part,"
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: \"nick_toto"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: "
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" regex: POSIX extended regular expression to search in line\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' "
"must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use "
"'\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for "
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to become "
"case sensitive\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like "
"'|' must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed "
"(use '\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one "
"for message\n"
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to "
"become case sensitive\n"
"The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off globally and alt+'-' "
"toggles filtering on/off in the current buffer.\n"
@ -4612,9 +4614,10 @@ msgstr "%sChyba: filtr \"%s\" nenalezen"
msgid "not enough arguments"
msgstr "nedostatek argumentů"
#, fuzzy
msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
msgstr "%sChyba: buffer se stejným jménem (%s) už existuje"
msgid ""
"a filter with same name already exists (choose another name or use option "
"\"addreplace\" to overwrite it)"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: %s is the error returned by regerror
#, fuzzy, c-format
@ -12678,6 +12681,10 @@ msgstr "%s%s: vypršel časový limit \"%s\" pro %s"
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s: nemohu se připojit\" neočekávaná chyba (%d)"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
#~ msgstr "%sChyba: buffer se stejným jménem (%s) už existuje"
#~ msgid "Aspell enabled"
#~ msgstr "Aspell povolen"

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-19 21:29+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-23 13:36+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-02-20 08:36+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Nils Görs <>\n"
"Language-Team: German <>\n"
@ -1846,45 +1846,49 @@ msgstr ""
"Filterfunktion um Nachrichten in Buffer aus- oder einzublenden, dazu können "
"Schlagwörter oder reguläre Ausdrücke verwendet werden"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add <name> <buffer>[,"
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add|addreplace <name> <buffer>[,"
"<buffer>...] <tags> <regex> || rename <name> <new_name> || del <name>|-all"
msgstr ""
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add <name> <buffer>[,"
"<buffer>...] <tags> <regex> || rename <name> <new_name> || del <name>|-all"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
"disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)\n"
" add: add a filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
" disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current "
" add: add a filter\n"
"addreplace: add or replace an existing filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
"#weechat\" or \"irc.server.freenode\")\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" tags: comma separated list of tags, for example \"irc_join,irc_part,"
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: \"nick_toto"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: "
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" regex: POSIX extended regular expression to search in line\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' "
"must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use "
"'\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for "
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to become "
"case sensitive\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like "
"'|' must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed "
"(use '\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one "
"for message\n"
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to "
"become case sensitive\n"
"The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off globally and alt+'-' "
"toggles filtering on/off in the current buffer.\n"
@ -5516,8 +5520,13 @@ msgstr "%sFehler beim Hinzufügen des Filters \"%s\": %s"
msgid "not enough arguments"
msgstr "nicht genügend Argumente"
msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
msgstr "es existiert bereits ein Filter mit dem selben Namen"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"a filter with same name already exists (choose another name or use option "
"\"addreplace\" to overwrite it)"
msgstr ""
"%s%s: Trigger \"%s\" existiert schon (wähle einen anderen Namen oder nutze "
"die Einstellung \"addreplace\" um vorhandenen Trigger zu überschreiben)"
#. TRANSLATORS: %s is the error returned by regerror
#, c-format
@ -14792,6 +14801,9 @@ msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr ""
"%s%s: Verbindung konnte nicht hergestellt werden: unerwarteter Fehler (%d)"
#~ msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
#~ msgstr "es existiert bereits ein Filter mit dem selben Namen"
#~ msgid "Aspell enabled"
#~ msgstr "Aspell wurde aktiviert"

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-19 21:29+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-23 13:36+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-01-29 21:02+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Elián Hanisch <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1643,7 +1643,7 @@ msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add <name> <buffer>[,"
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add|addreplace <name> <buffer>[,"
"<buffer>...] <tags> <regex> || rename <name> <new_name> || del <name>|-all"
msgstr ""
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<nombre>] || add <nombre> <buffer>[,"
@ -1651,37 +1651,39 @@ msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
"disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)\n"
" add: add a filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
" disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current "
" add: add a filter\n"
"addreplace: add or replace an existing filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
"#weechat\" or \"irc.server.freenode\")\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" tags: comma separated list of tags, for example \"irc_join,irc_part,"
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: \"nick_toto"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: "
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" regex: POSIX extended regular expression to search in line\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' "
"must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use "
"'\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for "
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to become "
"case sensitive\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like "
"'|' must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed "
"(use '\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one "
"for message\n"
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to "
"become case sensitive\n"
"The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off globally and alt+'-' "
"toggles filtering on/off in the current buffer.\n"
@ -4805,9 +4807,10 @@ msgstr "%sError al agregar el filtro"
msgid "not enough arguments"
msgstr "%sNo hay suficiente memoria"
#, fuzzy
msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
msgstr "%sError: un buffer con el mismo nombre (%s) ya existe"
msgid ""
"a filter with same name already exists (choose another name or use option "
"\"addreplace\" to overwrite it)"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: %s is the error returned by regerror
#, fuzzy, c-format
@ -12962,6 +12965,10 @@ msgstr "%s%s: tiempo de espera máximo para \"%s\" con %s"
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s: no es posible conectarse al transmisor"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
#~ msgstr "%sError: un buffer con el mismo nombre (%s) ya existe"
#~ msgid "Aspell enabled"
#~ msgstr "Aspell activado"

View File

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-19 21:29+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-02-19 21:38+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-23 13:36+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-02-23 13:40+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
@ -1814,44 +1814,47 @@ msgstr ""
"étiquettes ou expressions régulières"
msgid ""
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add <name> <buffer>[,"
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add|addreplace <name> <buffer>[,"
"<buffer>...] <tags> <regex> || rename <name> <new_name> || del <name>|-all"
msgstr ""
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<nom>|@] || add <nom> <tampon>[,<tampon>...] "
"<étiquettes> <regex> || rename <nom> <nouveau_nom> || del <nom>|-all"
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<nom>|@] || add|addreplace <nom> <tampon>[,"
"<tampon>...] <étiquettes> <regex> || rename <nom> <nouveau_nom> || del "
msgid ""
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
"disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)\n"
" add: add a filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
" disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current "
" add: add a filter\n"
"addreplace: add or replace an existing filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
"#weechat\" or \"irc.server.freenode\")\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" tags: comma separated list of tags, for example \"irc_join,irc_part,"
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: \"nick_toto"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: "
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" regex: POSIX extended regular expression to search in line\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' "
"must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use "
"'\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for "
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to become "
"case sensitive\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like "
"'|' must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed "
"(use '\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one "
"for message\n"
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to "
"become case sensitive\n"
"The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off globally and alt+'-' "
"toggles filtering on/off in the current buffer.\n"
@ -1893,6 +1896,7 @@ msgstr ""
" nom : nom de filtre (\"@\" = activer/désactiver tous les filtres dans "
"le tampon courant)\n"
" add : ajouter un filtre\n"
"addreplace : ajouter ou remplacer un filtre existant\n"
" rename : renommer un filtre\n"
" del : supprimer un filtre\n"
" -all : supprimer tous les filtres\n"
@ -5385,8 +5389,12 @@ msgstr "%sErreur d'ajout du filtre \"%s\" : %s"
msgid "not enough arguments"
msgstr "pas assez de paramètres"
msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
msgstr "un filtre avec le même nom existe déjà"
msgid ""
"a filter with same name already exists (choose another name or use option "
"\"addreplace\" to overwrite it)"
msgstr ""
"un filtre avec le même nom existe déjà (utilisez un autre nom ou utilisez "
"l'option \"addreplace\" pour l'écraser)"
#. TRANSLATORS: %s is the error returned by regerror
#, c-format
@ -14492,6 +14500,9 @@ msgstr "%s%s : délai d'attente dépassé pour \"%s\" avec %s"
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s : impossible de se connecter : erreur inattendue (%d)"
#~ msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
#~ msgstr "un filtre avec le même nom existe déjà"
#~ msgid "Aspell enabled"
#~ msgstr "Aspell activé"

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-19 21:29+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-23 13:36+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-17 10:36+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Andras Voroskoi <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1528,42 +1528,44 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add <name> <buffer>[,"
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add|addreplace <name> <buffer>[,"
"<buffer>...] <tags> <regex> || rename <name> <new_name> || del <name>|-all"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
"disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)\n"
" add: add a filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
" disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current "
" add: add a filter\n"
"addreplace: add or replace an existing filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
"#weechat\" or \"irc.server.freenode\")\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" tags: comma separated list of tags, for example \"irc_join,irc_part,"
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: \"nick_toto"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: "
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" regex: POSIX extended regular expression to search in line\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' "
"must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use "
"'\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for "
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to become "
"case sensitive\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like "
"'|' must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed "
"(use '\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one "
"for message\n"
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to "
"become case sensitive\n"
"The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off globally and alt+'-' "
"toggles filtering on/off in the current buffer.\n"
@ -4172,9 +4174,10 @@ msgstr "%s helytelen pufferszám\n"
msgid "not enough arguments"
msgstr "Nincs elég memória az új sorhoz\n"
#, fuzzy
msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
msgstr "%s nem sikerült a \"%s\" modult betölteni: már van ilyen nevű modul\n"
msgid ""
"a filter with same name already exists (choose another name or use option "
"\"addreplace\" to overwrite it)"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: %s is the error returned by regerror
#, fuzzy, c-format
@ -11949,6 +11952,11 @@ msgstr "%s hiányzó argumentum a(z) \"%s\" opciónak\n"
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s DCC: nem sikerült kapcsolódni a küldőhöz\n"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%s nem sikerült a \"%s\" modult betölteni: már van ilyen nevű modul\n"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Aspell enabled"
#~ msgstr "a felhasználók le lettek tiltva"

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-19 21:29+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-23 13:36+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-01-29 21:03+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Esteban I. Ruiz Moreno <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1684,7 +1684,7 @@ msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add <name> <buffer>[,"
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add|addreplace <name> <buffer>[,"
"<buffer>...] <tags> <regex> || rename <name> <new_name> || del <name>|-all"
msgstr ""
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<nome>] || add <nome> <buffer>[,<buffer>...] "
@ -1692,37 +1692,39 @@ msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
"disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)\n"
" add: add a filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
" disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current "
" add: add a filter\n"
"addreplace: add or replace an existing filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
"#weechat\" or \"irc.server.freenode\")\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" tags: comma separated list of tags, for example \"irc_join,irc_part,"
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: \"nick_toto"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: "
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" regex: POSIX extended regular expression to search in line\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' "
"must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use "
"'\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for "
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to become "
"case sensitive\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like "
"'|' must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed "
"(use '\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one "
"for message\n"
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to "
"become case sensitive\n"
"The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off globally and alt+'-' "
"toggles filtering on/off in the current buffer.\n"
@ -4935,9 +4937,10 @@ msgstr "%sErrore nell'aggiunta del fitro"
msgid "not enough arguments"
msgstr "%sSpazio non sufficiente"
#, fuzzy
msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
msgstr "%sErrore: un buffer con lo stesso nome (%s) esiste già"
msgid ""
"a filter with same name already exists (choose another name or use option "
"\"addreplace\" to overwrite it)"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: %s is the error returned by regerror
#, fuzzy, c-format
@ -13179,6 +13182,10 @@ msgstr "%s%s: timeout per \"%s\" con %s"
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s: impossibile connettersi al mittente"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
#~ msgstr "%sErrore: un buffer con lo stesso nome (%s) esiste già"
#~ msgid "Aspell enabled"
#~ msgstr "Aspell abilitato"

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-19 21:29+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-23 13:36+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-02-03 19:01+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke <>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <"
@ -1764,45 +1764,49 @@ msgid ""
"filter messages in buffers, to hide/show them according to tags or regex"
msgstr "タグか正規表現に基づくバッファメッセージの非表示/表示"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add <name> <buffer>[,"
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add|addreplace <name> <buffer>[,"
"<buffer>...] <tags> <regex> || rename <name> <new_name> || del <name>|-all"
msgstr ""
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add <name> <buffer>[,"
"<buffer>...] <tags> <regex> || rename <name> <new_name> || del <name>|-all"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
"disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)\n"
" add: add a filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
" disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current "
" add: add a filter\n"
"addreplace: add or replace an existing filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
"#weechat\" or \"irc.server.freenode\")\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" tags: comma separated list of tags, for example \"irc_join,irc_part,"
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: \"nick_toto"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: "
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" regex: POSIX extended regular expression to search in line\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' "
"must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use "
"'\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for "
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to become "
"case sensitive\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like "
"'|' must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed "
"(use '\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one "
"for message\n"
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to "
"become case sensitive\n"
"The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off globally and alt+'-' "
"toggles filtering on/off in the current buffer.\n"
@ -5143,8 +5147,13 @@ msgstr "%sフィルタ \"%s\" の追加エラー: %s"
msgid "not enough arguments"
msgstr "引数が不足しています"
msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
msgstr "同名のフィルタが既に存在します"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"a filter with same name already exists (choose another name or use option "
"\"addreplace\" to overwrite it)"
msgstr ""
"%s%s: トリガ \"%s\" は既に存在しています (他の名前を選ぶか、\"addreplace\" オ"
#. TRANSLATORS: %s is the error returned by regerror
#, c-format
@ -13959,6 +13968,9 @@ msgstr "%s%s: \"%s\" のタイムアウト %s"
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s: 接続できません: 未定義のエラー (%d)"
#~ msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
#~ msgstr "同名のフィルタが既に存在します"
#~ msgid "Aspell enabled"
#~ msgstr "Aspell が有効化されています"

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-19 21:29+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-23 13:36+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-02-09 21:00+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Krzysztof Korościk <>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <>\n"
@ -1804,45 +1804,49 @@ msgstr ""
"filtruje wiadomości w buforach, aby je ukryć/pokazać w zależności do tagów "
"lub wyrażeń regularnych"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add <name> <buffer>[,"
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add|addreplace <name> <buffer>[,"
"<buffer>...] <tags> <regex> || rename <name> <new_name> || del <name>|-all"
msgstr ""
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<nazwa>|@] || add <nazwa> <bufor>[,"
"<bufor>...] <tagi> <regex> || rename <nazwa> <nowa_nazwa> || del <nazwa>|-all"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
"disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)\n"
" add: add a filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
" disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current "
" add: add a filter\n"
"addreplace: add or replace an existing filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
"#weechat\" or \"irc.server.freenode\")\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" tags: comma separated list of tags, for example \"irc_join,irc_part,"
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: \"nick_toto"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: "
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" regex: POSIX extended regular expression to search in line\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' "
"must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use "
"'\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for "
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to become "
"case sensitive\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like "
"'|' must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed "
"(use '\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one "
"for message\n"
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to "
"become case sensitive\n"
"The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off globally and alt+'-' "
"toggles filtering on/off in the current buffer.\n"
@ -5262,8 +5266,13 @@ msgstr "%sBłąd podczas dodawania filtru \"%s\": %s"
msgid "not enough arguments"
msgstr "za mało argumentów"
msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
msgstr "filtr o tej nazwie już istnieje"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"a filter with same name already exists (choose another name or use option "
"\"addreplace\" to overwrite it)"
msgstr ""
"%s%s: trigger \"%s\" już istnieje (wybierz inną nazwę lub użyj opcji "
"\"addreplace\" żeby nadpisać istniejący)"
#. TRANSLATORS: %s is the error returned by regerror
#, c-format
@ -14179,6 +14188,9 @@ msgstr "%s%s: przekroczono czas na \"%s\" z %s"
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s: nie można połączyć: niespodziewany błąd (%d)"
#~ msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
#~ msgstr "filtr o tej nazwie już istnieje"
#~ msgid "Aspell enabled"
#~ msgstr "Aspell włączony"

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-19 21:29+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-23 13:36+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-02-03 19:01+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Vasco Almeida <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese <>\n"
@ -1765,8 +1765,9 @@ msgstr ""
"filtrar mensagens do buffer, ocultá-las/mostrá-las de acordo com tags ou "
"expressões regulares"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add <name> <buffer>[,"
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add|addreplace <name> <buffer>[,"
"<buffer>...] <tags> <regex> || rename <name> <new_name> || del <name>|-all"
msgstr ""
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<nome>|@] || add <nome> <buffer>[,"
@ -1774,37 +1775,39 @@ msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
"disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)\n"
" add: add a filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
" disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current "
" add: add a filter\n"
"addreplace: add or replace an existing filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
"#weechat\" or \"irc.server.freenode\")\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" tags: comma separated list of tags, for example \"irc_join,irc_part,"
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: \"nick_toto"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: "
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" regex: POSIX extended regular expression to search in line\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' "
"must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use "
"'\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for "
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to become "
"case sensitive\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like "
"'|' must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed "
"(use '\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one "
"for message\n"
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to "
"become case sensitive\n"
"The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off globally and alt+'-' "
"toggles filtering on/off in the current buffer.\n"
@ -5209,8 +5212,13 @@ msgstr "%sErro ao adicionar o filtro \"%s\": %s"
msgid "not enough arguments"
msgstr "argumentos insuficientes"
msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
msgstr "já existe um filtro com o mesmo nome"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"a filter with same name already exists (choose another name or use option "
"\"addreplace\" to overwrite it)"
msgstr ""
"%s%s: o acionador \"%s\" já existe (escolha outro nome ou use a opção "
"\"addreplace\" para o substituir)"
#. TRANSLATORS: %s is the error returned by regerror
#, c-format
@ -13839,6 +13847,9 @@ msgstr "%s%s: tempo limite de \"%s\" com %s"
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s: não foi possível conectar: erro inesperado (%d)"
#~ msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
#~ msgstr "já existe um filtro com o mesmo nome"
#~ msgid "Aspell enabled"
#~ msgstr "Aspell ativado"

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-19 21:29+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-23 13:36+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-01-29 21:05+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Eduardo Elias <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1688,7 +1688,7 @@ msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add <name> <buffer>[,"
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add|addreplace <name> <buffer>[,"
"<buffer>...] <tags> <regex> || rename <name> <new_name> || del <name>|-all"
msgstr ""
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<nome>] || add <nome> <buffer>[,<buffer>...] "
@ -1696,37 +1696,39 @@ msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
"disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)\n"
" add: add a filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
" disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current "
" add: add a filter\n"
"addreplace: add or replace an existing filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
"#weechat\" or \"irc.server.freenode\")\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" tags: comma separated list of tags, for example \"irc_join,irc_part,"
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: \"nick_toto"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: "
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" regex: POSIX extended regular expression to search in line\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' "
"must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use "
"'\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for "
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to become "
"case sensitive\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like "
"'|' must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed "
"(use '\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one "
"for message\n"
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to "
"become case sensitive\n"
"The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off globally and alt+'-' "
"toggles filtering on/off in the current buffer.\n"
@ -4789,9 +4791,10 @@ msgstr "%sErro ao adicionar filtro"
msgid "not enough arguments"
msgstr "%sMemória insuficiente"
#, fuzzy
msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
msgstr "%sErro: um buffer com o mesmo nome (%s) já existe"
msgid ""
"a filter with same name already exists (choose another name or use option "
"\"addreplace\" to overwrite it)"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: %s is the error returned by regerror
#, fuzzy, c-format
@ -12416,6 +12419,10 @@ msgstr "%s%s: tempo esgotado para \"%s\" com %s"
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s%s: não foi possível conectar ao remetente"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
#~ msgstr "%sErro: um buffer com o mesmo nome (%s) já existe"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Aspell enabled"
#~ msgstr "Mouse habilitado"

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-19 21:29+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-23 13:36+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-17 10:36+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Aleksey V Zapparov AKA ixti <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1550,42 +1550,44 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add <name> <buffer>[,"
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add|addreplace <name> <buffer>[,"
"<buffer>...] <tags> <regex> || rename <name> <new_name> || del <name>|-all"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
"disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)\n"
" add: add a filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
" disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current "
" add: add a filter\n"
"addreplace: add or replace an existing filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
"#weechat\" or \"irc.server.freenode\")\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" tags: comma separated list of tags, for example \"irc_join,irc_part,"
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: \"nick_toto"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: "
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" regex: POSIX extended regular expression to search in line\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' "
"must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use "
"'\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for "
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to become "
"case sensitive\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like "
"'|' must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed "
"(use '\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one "
"for message\n"
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to "
"become case sensitive\n"
"The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off globally and alt+'-' "
"toggles filtering on/off in the current buffer.\n"
@ -4210,10 +4212,10 @@ msgstr "%s неправильный номер буфера\n"
msgid "not enough arguments"
msgstr "Недостаточно памяти для новой строчки\n"
#, fuzzy
msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
msgid ""
"a filter with same name already exists (choose another name or use option "
"\"addreplace\" to overwrite it)"
msgstr ""
"%s не могу загрузить plugin \"%s\": одноимённый plugin уже существует\n"
#. TRANSLATORS: %s is the error returned by regerror
#, fuzzy, c-format
@ -11981,6 +11983,11 @@ msgstr "%s нет аргумента для параметра \"%s\"\n"
msgid "%s%s: unable to connect: unexpected error (%d)"
msgstr "%s DCC: не могу соединиться с отправителем\n"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%s не могу загрузить plugin \"%s\": одноимённый plugin уже существует\n"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Aspell enabled"
#~ msgstr "команда users отключена"

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-19 21:29+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-23 13:36+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-01-29 21:05+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Hasan Kiran <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1383,42 +1383,44 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add <name> <buffer>[,"
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add|addreplace <name> <buffer>[,"
"<buffer>...] <tags> <regex> || rename <name> <new_name> || del <name>|-all"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
"disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)\n"
" add: add a filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
" disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current "
" add: add a filter\n"
"addreplace: add or replace an existing filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
"#weechat\" or \"irc.server.freenode\")\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" tags: comma separated list of tags, for example \"irc_join,irc_part,"
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: \"nick_toto"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: "
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" regex: POSIX extended regular expression to search in line\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' "
"must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use "
"'\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for "
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to become "
"case sensitive\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like "
"'|' must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed "
"(use '\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one "
"for message\n"
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to "
"become case sensitive\n"
"The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off globally and alt+'-' "
"toggles filtering on/off in the current buffer.\n"
@ -3802,7 +3804,9 @@ msgstr "%sFiltre eklenirken hata"
msgid "not enough arguments"
msgstr "%sYeterli bellek yok"
msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
msgid ""
"a filter with same name already exists (choose another name or use option "
"\"addreplace\" to overwrite it)"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: %s is the error returned by regerror

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WeeChat\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-19 21:29+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-23 13:36+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-16 10:27+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Sébastien Helleu <>\n"
"Language-Team: weechat-dev <>\n"
@ -1385,42 +1385,44 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add <name> <buffer>[,"
"list || enable|disable|toggle [<name>|@] || add|addreplace <name> <buffer>[,"
"<buffer>...] <tags> <regex> || rename <name> <new_name> || del <name>|-all"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
"disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current buffer)\n"
" add: add a filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
" list: list all filters\n"
" enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default)\n"
" disable: disable filters\n"
" toggle: toggle filters\n"
" name: filter name (\"@\" = enable/disable all filters in current "
" add: add a filter\n"
"addreplace: add or replace an existing filter\n"
" rename: rename a filter\n"
" del: delete a filter\n"
" -all: delete all filters\n"
" buffer: comma separated list of buffers where filter is active:\n"
" - this is full name including plugin (example: \"irc.freenode."
"#weechat\" or \"irc.server.freenode\")\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - \"*\" means all buffers\n"
" - a name starting with '!' is excluded\n"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" tags: comma separated list of tags, for example \"irc_join,irc_part,"
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: \"nick_toto"
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" - logical \"and\": use \"+\" between tags (for example: "
" - wildcard \"*\" is allowed\n"
" - if tag starts with '!', then it is excluded and must NOT be in "
" regex: POSIX extended regular expression to search in line\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like '|' "
"must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed (use "
"'\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one for "
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to become "
"case sensitive\n"
" - use '\\t' to separate prefix from message, special chars like "
"'|' must be escaped: '\\|'\n"
" - if regex starts with '!', then matching result is reversed "
"(use '\\!' to start with '!')\n"
" - two regular expressions are created: one for prefix and one "
"for message\n"
" - regex are case insensitive, they can start by \"(?-i)\" to "
"become case sensitive\n"
"The default key alt+'=' toggles filtering on/off globally and alt+'-' "
"toggles filtering on/off in the current buffer.\n"
@ -3793,7 +3795,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "not enough arguments"
msgstr ""
msgid "a filter with same name already exists"
msgid ""
"a filter with same name already exists (choose another name or use option "
"\"addreplace\" to overwrite it)"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: %s is the error returned by regerror