doc: add chapter about buffers lines in user's guide

Sébastien Helleu 2016-11-26 17:11:45 +01:00
parent 114c11cb8d
commit 114cf66606
10 changed files with 371 additions and 100 deletions

View File

@ -969,6 +969,66 @@ Beispiele für eine vertikale und horizontale Fensteraufteilung:
▲ Fenster #1 (Buffer #3) ▲ Fenster #2 (Buffer #4)
=== Buffers lines
==== Format of lines
Lines displayed in formatted buffers have following fields:
| Field | Displayed | Description
| date/time (message) | Yes | Date/time of message (may be past).
| date/time (print) | No | Date/time when WeeChat prints the message.
| prefix | Yes | Prefix of message, commonly a nick.
| message | Yes | The message itself.
| displayed | No | Boolean: true if line is displayed, false if line is filtered with command <<command_weechat_filter,/filter>>.
| highlight | No | Boolean: true if line has a highlight, false otherwise.
| tags | With `/debug tags` | Tags associated with the line (see <<lines_tags,lines tags>>).
==== Lines tags
WeeChat uses tags in lines for different purposes:
* highlight
* notify level
* logging
* use of command <<command_weechat_filter,/filter>>
Tags can be displayed with the command `/debug tags` (same command to hide them).
Tags commonly used (non-exhaustive list):
| Tag | Description
| no_filter | Line can not be filtered.
| no_highlight | No highlight is possible on line.
| no_log | Line is not written in log file.
| log0 ... log9 | Level of log for line (see `/help logger`).
| notify_none | Buffer with line is not added to hotlist.
| notify_message | Buffer with line is added to hotlist with level "message".
| notify_private | Buffer with line is added to hotlist with level "private".
| notify_highlight | Buffer with line is added to hotlist with level "highlight".
| self_msg | Self message.
| nick_xxx | Message is from nick "xxx".
| prefix_nick_ccc | Prefix is a nick with color "ccc".
| host_xxx | Username and host in message.
| irc_xxx | IRC message "xxx" (can be a command or a 3-digits number).
| irc_numeric | IRC numeric message.
| irc_error | Error from IRC server.
| irc_action | Action from a nick (command `/me`).
| irc_ctcp | CTCP message.
| irc_ctcp_reply | Reply to CTCP message.
| irc_smart_filter | IRC message that can be filtered with the "smart filter".
| away_info | Message with away info.
=== Bars

View File

@ -6915,31 +6915,8 @@ Arguments:
* _tags_: comma separated list of tags (NULL means no tags)
* _message_: message to display
Tags commonly used (non-exhaustive list):
| Tag | Description
| no_filter | Line can not be filtered
| no_highlight | No highlight is possible on line
| no_log | Line is not written in log file
| log0 ... log9 | Level of log for line (see `/help logger`)
| notify_none | Buffer with line is not added to hotlist
| notify_message | Buffer with line is added to hotlist with level "message"
| notify_private | Buffer with line is added to hotlist with level "private"
| notify_highlight | Buffer with line is added to hotlist with level "highlight"
| nick_xxx | Message is from nick "xxx"
| prefix_nick_ccc | Prefix is a nick with color "ccc"
| host_xxx | Username and host in message
| irc_xxx | IRC message "xxx" (can be a command or a 3-digits number)
| irc_numeric | IRC numeric message
| irc_error | Error from IRC server
| irc_action | Action from a nick (command `/me`)
| irc_ctcp | CTCP message
| irc_ctcp_reply | Reply to CTCP message
| irc_smart_filter | IRC message that can be filtered with the "smart filter"
| away_info | Message with away info
See chapter about line tags in _WeeChat User's guide_ for a list of commonly
used tags in WeeChat.
C example:

View File

@ -952,6 +952,65 @@ Example of vertical + horizontal splits:
▲ window #1 (buffer #3) ▲ window #2 (buffer #4)
=== Buffers lines
==== Format of lines
Lines displayed in formatted buffers have following fields:
| Field | Displayed | Description
| date/time (message) | Yes | Date/time of message (may be past).
| date/time (print) | No | Date/time when WeeChat prints the message.
| prefix | Yes | Prefix of message, commonly a nick.
| message | Yes | The message itself.
| displayed | No | Boolean: true if line is displayed, false if line is filtered with command <<command_weechat_filter,/filter>>.
| highlight | No | Boolean: true if line has a highlight, false otherwise.
| tags | With `/debug tags` | Tags associated with the line (see <<lines_tags,lines tags>>).
==== Lines tags
WeeChat uses tags in lines for different purposes:
* highlight
* notify level
* logging
* use of command <<command_weechat_filter,/filter>>
Tags can be displayed with the command `/debug tags` (same command to hide them).
Tags commonly used (non-exhaustive list):
| Tag | Description
| no_filter | Line can not be filtered.
| no_highlight | No highlight is possible on line.
| no_log | Line is not written in log file.
| log0 ... log9 | Level of log for line (see `/help logger`).
| notify_none | Buffer with line is not added to hotlist.
| notify_message | Buffer with line is added to hotlist with level "message".
| notify_private | Buffer with line is added to hotlist with level "private".
| notify_highlight | Buffer with line is added to hotlist with level "highlight".
| self_msg | Self message.
| nick_xxx | Message is from nick "xxx".
| prefix_nick_ccc | Prefix is a nick with color "ccc".
| host_xxx | Username and host in message.
| irc_xxx | IRC message "xxx" (can be a command or a 3-digits number).
| irc_numeric | IRC numeric message.
| irc_error | Error from IRC server.
| irc_action | Action from a nick (command `/me`).
| irc_ctcp | CTCP message.
| irc_ctcp_reply | Reply to CTCP message.
| irc_smart_filter | IRC message that can be filtered with the "smart filter".
| away_info | Message with away info.
=== Bars

View File

@ -7029,31 +7029,8 @@ Paramètres :
* _message_ : message à afficher
Tags couramment utilisés (liste non exhaustive) :
| Tag | Description
| no_filter | La ligne ne peut pas être filtrée
| no_highlight | Aucun highlight n'est possible sur cette ligne
| no_log | La ligne n'est pas écrite dans le fichier de log
| log0 ... log9 | Niveau de log pour la ligne (voir `/help logger`)
| notify_none | Le tampon avec la ligne ne sera pas ajouté à la "hotlist"
| notify_message | Le tampon avec la ligne sera ajouté à la "hotlist" avec le niveau "message"
| notify_private | Le tampon avec la ligne sera ajouté à la "hotlist" avec le niveau "private"
| notify_highlight | Le tampon avec la ligne sera ajouté à la "hotlist" avec le niveau "highlight"
| nick_xxx | Le message vient du pseudo "xxx"
| prefix_nick_ccc | Le préfixe est un pseudo avec la couleur "ccc"
| host_xxx | Nom d'utilisateur et hôte dans le message
| irc_xxx | Message IRC "xxx" (peut-être une commande ou un numérique sur 3 chiffres)
| irc_numeric | Message IRC numérique
| irc_error | Erreur du serveur IRC
| irc_action | Action d'un pseudo (commande `/me`)
| irc_ctcp | Message CTCP
| irc_ctcp_reply | Réponse à un message CTCP
| irc_smart_filter | Message IRC qui peut être filtré avec le "smart filter" (filtre intelligent)
| away_info | Message avec une info d'absence
Voir le chapitre sur les étiquettes des lignes dans le _Guide utilisateur WeeChat_
pour une liste des étiquettes couramment utilisées dans WeeChat.
Exemple en C :

View File

@ -972,6 +972,66 @@ Exemple de découpage vertical + horizontal :
▲ fenêtre n°1 (tampon n°3) ▲ fenêtre n°2 (tampon n°4)
=== Lignes des tampons
==== Format des lignes
Les lignes affichées dans les tampons formatés ont les champs suivants :
| Champ | Affiché | Description
| date/heure (message) | Oui | Date/heure du message (peut être dans le passé).
| date/heure (print) | Non | Date/heure lorsque WeeChat affiche le message.
| préfixe | Oui | Préfixe du message, couramment un pseudo.
| message | Oui | Le message lui-même.
| affichée | Non | Booléen : vrai si la ligne est affichée, faux si la ligne est filtrée avec la commande <<command_weechat_filter,/filter>>.
| highlight | Non | Booléen : vrai si la ligne a un highlight, faux sinon.
| étiquettes | Avec `/debug tags` | Étiquettes associées avec la ligne (voir <<lines_tags,les étiquettes des lignes>>).
==== Étiquettes des lignes
WeeChat utilise des étiquettes (« tags ») dans les lignes pour différentes raisons :
* highlight
* niveau de notification
* enregistrement (« log »)
* utilisation de la commande <<command_weechat_filter,/filter>>
Les étiquettes peuvent être affichées avec la commande `/debug tags`
(même commande pour les cacher).
Les étiquettes couramment utilisées (liste non exhaustive) :
| Étiquette | Description
| no_filter | La ligne ne peut pas être filtrée.
| no_highlight | Aucun highlight n'est possible sur cette ligne.
| no_log | La ligne n'est pas écrite dans le fichier de log.
| log0 ... log9 | Niveau de log pour la ligne (voir `/help logger`).
| notify_none | Le tampon avec la ligne ne sera pas ajouté à la "hotlist".
| notify_message | Le tampon avec la ligne sera ajouté à la "hotlist" avec le niveau "message".
| notify_private | Le tampon avec la ligne sera ajouté à la "hotlist" avec le niveau "private".
| notify_highlight | Le tampon avec la ligne sera ajouté à la "hotlist" avec le niveau "highlight".
| self_msg | Message de soi-même.
| nick_xxx | Le message vient du pseudo "xxx".
| prefix_nick_ccc | Le préfixe est un pseudo avec la couleur "ccc".
| host_xxx | Nom d'utilisateur et hôte dans le message.
| irc_xxx | Message IRC "xxx" (peut-être une commande ou un numérique sur 3 chiffres).
| irc_numeric | Message IRC numérique.
| irc_error | Erreur du serveur IRC.
| irc_action | Action d'un pseudo (commande `/me`).
| irc_ctcp | Message CTCP.
| irc_ctcp_reply | Réponse à un message CTCP.
| irc_smart_filter | Message IRC qui peut être filtré avec le "smart filter" (filtre intelligent).
| away_info | Message avec une info d'absence.
=== Barres

View File

@ -7094,32 +7094,9 @@ Argomenti:
* _tags_: lista di tag separati da virgole (NULL means no tags)
* _message_: messaggio da visualizzare
Tag usati di frequente (elenco non esaustivo):
| Tag | Descrizione
| no_filter | La riga non può essere filtrata
| no_highlight | Evidenziazione non possibile sulla riga
| no_log | La riga non viene scritta nel file di log
| log0 ... log9 | Livello di log per la riga (consultare `/help logger`)
| notify_none | Il buffer con la riga non viene aggiunto alla hotlist
| notify_message | Il buffer con la riga viene aggiunto alla hotlist con il livello "message"
| notify_private | Il buffer con la riga viene aggiunto alla hotlist con il livello "private"
| notify_highlight | Il buffer con la riga viene aggiunto alla hotlist con il livello "higlight"
| nick_xxx | Il messaggio viene dal nick "xxx"
| prefix_nick_ccc | Il prefisso è un nick con il colore "ccc"
| host_xxx | Username and host in message
| irc_xxx | Messaggio IRC "xxx" (può essere un comando o un numero di 3 cifre)
| irc_numeric | Messaggio IRC numerico
| irc_error | Errore dal server IRC
| irc_action | Azione da un nic (comando `/me`)
| irc_ctcp | Messaggio CTCP
| irc_ctcp_reply | Risposta ad un messaggio CTCP
| irc_smart_filter | Messaggio IRC filtrabile tramite lo "smart filter" (filtro intelligente)
| away_info | Messagio con informazioni sull'assenza
See chapter about line tags in _WeeChat User's guide_ for a list of commonly
used tags in WeeChat.
Esempio in C:

View File

@ -1010,6 +1010,68 @@ Esempio di split orizzontale + verticale:
▲ window #1 (buffer #3) ▲ window #2 (buffer #4)
=== Buffers lines
==== Format of lines
Lines displayed in formatted buffers have following fields:
| Field | Displayed | Description
| date/time (message) | Yes | Date/time of message (may be past).
| date/time (print) | No | Date/time when WeeChat prints the message.
| prefix | Yes | Prefix of message, commonly a nick.
| message | Yes | The message itself.
| displayed | No | Boolean: true if line is displayed, false if line is filtered with command <<command_weechat_filter,/filter>>.
| highlight | No | Boolean: true if line has a highlight, false otherwise.
| tags | With `/debug tags` | Tags associated with the line (see <<lines_tags,lines tags>>).
==== Lines tags
WeeChat uses tags in lines for different purposes:
* highlight
* notify level
* logging
* use of command <<command_weechat_filter,/filter>>
Tags can be displayed with the command `/debug tags` (same command to hide them).
Tag usati di frequente (elenco non esaustivo):
| Tag | Descrizione
| no_filter | La riga non può essere filtrata.
| no_highlight | Evidenziazione non possibile sulla riga.
| no_log | La riga non viene scritta nel file di log.
| log0 ... log9 | Livello di log per la riga (consultare `/help logger`).
| notify_none | Il buffer con la riga non viene aggiunto alla hotlist.
| notify_message | Il buffer con la riga viene aggiunto alla hotlist con il livello "message".
| notify_private | Il buffer con la riga viene aggiunto alla hotlist con il livello "private".
| notify_highlight | Il buffer con la riga viene aggiunto alla hotlist con il livello "higlight".
| self_msg | Self message.
| nick_xxx | Il messaggio viene dal nick "xxx".
| prefix_nick_ccc | Il prefisso è un nick con il colore "ccc".
| host_xxx | Username and host in message.
| irc_xxx | Messaggio IRC "xxx" (può essere un comando o un numero di 3 cifre).
| irc_numeric | Messaggio IRC numerico.
| irc_error | Errore dal server IRC.
| irc_action | Azione da un nic (comando `/me`).
| irc_ctcp | Messaggio CTCP.
| irc_ctcp_reply | Risposta ad un messaggio CTCP.
| irc_smart_filter | Messaggio IRC filtrabile tramite lo "smart filter" (filtro intelligente).
| away_info | Messagio con informazioni sull'assenza.
=== Bars

View File

@ -6921,31 +6921,9 @@ void weechat_printf_date_tags (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, time_t date,
* _tags_: タグのコンマ区切りリスト (タグを指定しない場合は NULL)
* _message_: 表示するメッセージ
通常使用するタグ (一部抜粋したリスト):
| タグ | 説明
| no_filter | フィルタできない行
| no_highlight | ハイライトできない行
| no_log | ログファイルに書き込まれない行
| log0 ... log9 | 行に対するログレベル (`/help logger` を参照)
| notify_none | この行を含むバッファはホットリストに追加されない
| notify_message | この行を含むバッファは "message" レベルでホットリストに追加される
| notify_private | この行を含むバッファは "private" レベルでホットリストに追加される
| notify_highlight | この行を含むバッファは "highlight" レベルでホットリストに追加される
| nick_xxx | ニックネーム "xxx" からのメッセージ
| prefix_nick_ccc | プレフィックスを色 "ccc" のニックネームにする
| host_xxx | メッセージ中のユーザ名とホスト
| irc_xxx | IRC メッセージ "xxx" (コマンドまたは 3 桁の番号)
| irc_numeric | IRC 番号メッセージ
| irc_error | IRC からのエラー
| irc_action | あるニックネームからのアクション (`/me` コマンド)
| irc_ctcp | CTCP メッセージ
| irc_ctcp_reply | CTCP メッセージに対する返信
| irc_smart_filter | "smart filter" でフィルタリング可能な IRC メッセージ
| away_info | 離席状態のメッセージ
See chapter about line tags in _WeeChat User's guide_ for a list of commonly
used tags in WeeChat.
C 言語での使用例:

View File

@ -955,6 +955,67 @@ _window_
▲ ウィンドウ #1 (バッファ #3) ▲ ウィンドウ #2 (バッファ #4)
=== Buffers lines
==== Format of lines
Lines displayed in formatted buffers have following fields:
| Field | Displayed | Description
| date/time (message) | Yes | Date/time of message (may be past).
| date/time (print) | No | Date/time when WeeChat prints the message.
| prefix | Yes | Prefix of message, commonly a nick.
| message | Yes | The message itself.
| displayed | No | Boolean: true if line is displayed, false if line is filtered with command <<command_weechat_filter,/filter>>.
| highlight | No | Boolean: true if line has a highlight, false otherwise.
| tags | With `/debug tags` | Tags associated with the line (see <<lines_tags,lines tags>>).
==== Lines tags
WeeChat uses tags in lines for different purposes:
* highlight
* notify level
* logging
* use of command <<command_weechat_filter,/filter>>
Tags can be displayed with the command `/debug tags` (same command to hide them).
通常使用するタグ (一部抜粋したリスト):
| タグ | 説明
| no_filter | フィルタできない行
| no_highlight | ハイライトできない行
| no_log | ログファイルに書き込まれない行
| log0 ... log9 | 行に対するログレベル (`/help logger` を参照)
| notify_none | この行を含むバッファはホットリストに追加されない
| notify_message | この行を含むバッファは "message" レベルでホットリストに追加される
| notify_private | この行を含むバッファは "private" レベルでホットリストに追加される
| notify_highlight | この行を含むバッファは "highlight" レベルでホットリストに追加される
| self_msg | Self message.
| nick_xxx | ニックネーム "xxx" からのメッセージ
| prefix_nick_ccc | プレフィックスを色 "ccc" のニックネームにする
| host_xxx | メッセージ中のユーザ名とホスト
| irc_xxx | IRC メッセージ "xxx" (コマンドまたは 3 桁の番号)
| irc_numeric | IRC 番号メッセージ
| irc_error | IRC からのエラー
| irc_action | あるニックネームからのアクション (`/me` コマンド)
| irc_ctcp | CTCP メッセージ
| irc_ctcp_reply | CTCP メッセージに対する返信
| irc_smart_filter | "smart filter" でフィルタリング可能な IRC メッセージ
| away_info | 離席状態のメッセージ
=== バー

View File

@ -961,6 +961,66 @@ Przykład podziałów pionowego i poziomego:
▲ window #1 (buffer #3) ▲ window #2 (buffer #4)
=== Buffers lines
==== Format of lines
Lines displayed in formatted buffers have following fields:
| Field | Displayed | Description
| date/time (message) | Yes | Date/time of message (may be past).
| date/time (print) | No | Date/time when WeeChat prints the message.
| prefix | Yes | Prefix of message, commonly a nick.
| message | Yes | The message itself.
| displayed | No | Boolean: true if line is displayed, false if line is filtered with command <<command_weechat_filter,/filter>>.
| highlight | No | Boolean: true if line has a highlight, false otherwise.
| tags | With `/debug tags` | Tags associated with the line (see <<lines_tags,lines tags>>).
==== Lines tags
WeeChat uses tags in lines for different purposes:
* highlight
* notify level
* logging
* use of command <<command_weechat_filter,/filter>>
Tags can be displayed with the command `/debug tags` (same command to hide them).
Tags commonly used (non-exhaustive list):
| Tag | Description
| no_filter | Line can not be filtered.
| no_highlight | No highlight is possible on line.
| no_log | Line is not written in log file.
| log0 ... log9 | Level of log for line (see `/help logger`).
| notify_none | Buffer with line is not added to hotlist.
| notify_message | Buffer with line is added to hotlist with level "message".
| notify_private | Buffer with line is added to hotlist with level "private".
| notify_highlight | Buffer with line is added to hotlist with level "highlight".
| self_msg | Self message.
| nick_xxx | Message is from nick "xxx".
| prefix_nick_ccc | Prefix is a nick with color "ccc".
| host_xxx | Username and host in message.
| irc_xxx | IRC message "xxx" (can be a command or a 3-digits number).
| irc_numeric | IRC numeric message.
| irc_error | Error from IRC server.
| irc_action | Action from a nick (command `/me`).
| irc_ctcp | CTCP message.
| irc_ctcp_reply | Reply to CTCP message.
| irc_smart_filter | IRC message that can be filtered with the "smart filter".
| away_info | Message with away info.
=== Paski