tests: add tests on calc functions

Functions tested:

- calc_operator_precedence
- calc_pop_value
- calc_list_free_cb
- calc_operation
- calc_operation_stacks
Sébastien Helleu 2020-04-08 21:31:53 +02:00
parent a693125c81
commit 007fd03bc8
2 changed files with 167 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -65,22 +65,22 @@ calc_list_free_cb (void *data, struct t_arraylist *arraylist, void *pointer)
calc_operator_precedence (char *operator)
calc_operator_precedence (const char *oper)
if (!operator)
if (!oper)
return 0;
if ((strcmp (operator, "*") == 0)
|| (strcmp (operator, "/") == 0)
|| (strcmp (operator, "//") == 0)
|| (strcmp (operator, "%") == 0)
|| (strcmp (operator, "**") == 0))
if ((strcmp (oper, "*") == 0)
|| (strcmp (oper, "/") == 0)
|| (strcmp (oper, "//") == 0)
|| (strcmp (oper, "%") == 0)
|| (strcmp (oper, "**") == 0))
return 2;
if ((strcmp (operator, "+") == 0)
|| (strcmp (operator, "-") == 0))
if ((strcmp (oper, "+") == 0)
|| (strcmp (oper, "-") == 0))
return 1;
@ -98,6 +98,9 @@ calc_pop_value (struct t_arraylist *list_values)
int size_values;
double *ptr_value, value;
if (!list_values)
return 0;
size_values = arraylist_size (list_values);
if (size_values < 1)
@ -116,27 +119,30 @@ calc_pop_value (struct t_arraylist *list_values)
calc_operation (char *operator, double value1, double value2)
calc_operation (const char *oper, double value1, double value2)
if (strcmp (operator, "+") == 0)
if (!oper)
return 0;
if (strcmp (oper, "+") == 0)
return value1 + value2;
if (strcmp (operator, "-") == 0)
if (strcmp (oper, "-") == 0)
return value1 - value2;
if (strcmp (operator, "*") == 0)
if (strcmp (oper, "*") == 0)
return value1 * value2;
if (strcmp (operator, "/") == 0)
if (strcmp (oper, "/") == 0)
return (value2 != 0) ? value1 / value2 : 0;
if (strcmp (operator, "//") == 0)
if (strcmp (oper, "//") == 0)
return (value2 != 0) ? floor (value1 / value2) : 0;
if (strcmp (operator, "%") == 0)
if (strcmp (oper, "%") == 0)
return (value2 != 0) ? fmod (value1, value2) : 0;
if (strcmp (operator, "**") == 0)
if (strcmp (oper, "**") == 0)
return pow (value1, value2);
return 0;
@ -157,6 +163,9 @@ calc_operation_stacks (struct t_arraylist *list_values,
double value1, value2, result, *ptr_result;
char *ptr_operator;
if (!list_values || !list_ops)
size_ops = arraylist_size (list_ops);
if (size_ops < 1)

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@ -24,8 +24,17 @@
extern "C"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "src/core/wee-arraylist.h"
#include "src/core/wee-calc.h"
extern void calc_list_free_cb (void *data, struct t_arraylist *arraylist,
void *pointer);
extern int calc_operator_precedence (const char *oper);
extern double calc_pop_value (struct t_arraylist *list_values);
extern double calc_operation (const char *oper, double value1, double value2);
extern void calc_operation_stacks (struct t_arraylist *list_values,
struct t_arraylist *list_ops);
extern int calc_sanitize_decimal_number (char *string);
extern void calc_format_result (double value, char *result, int max_size);
@ -49,6 +58,138 @@ TEST_GROUP(CoreCalc)
* Tests functions:
* calc_operator_precedence
TEST(CoreCalc, OperatorPrecedence)
LONGS_EQUAL(0, calc_operator_precedence (NULL));
LONGS_EQUAL(0, calc_operator_precedence (""));
LONGS_EQUAL(0, calc_operator_precedence ("$"));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, calc_operator_precedence ("+"));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, calc_operator_precedence ("-"));
LONGS_EQUAL(2, calc_operator_precedence ("*"));
LONGS_EQUAL(2, calc_operator_precedence ("/"));
LONGS_EQUAL(2, calc_operator_precedence ("//"));
LONGS_EQUAL(2, calc_operator_precedence ("%"));
LONGS_EQUAL(2, calc_operator_precedence ("**"));
* Tests functions:
* calc_pop_value
* calc_list_free_cb
TEST(CoreCalc, PopValue)
struct t_arraylist *list_values;
double *ptr_value;
list_values = arraylist_new (32, 0, 1,
&calc_list_free_cb, NULL);
DOUBLES_EQUAL(0, calc_pop_value (NULL), 0.001);
DOUBLES_EQUAL(0, calc_pop_value (list_values), 0.001);
ptr_value = (double *)malloc (sizeof (*ptr_value));
*ptr_value = 123.5;
arraylist_add (list_values, ptr_value);
LONGS_EQUAL(1, list_values->size);
DOUBLES_EQUAL(123.5, calc_pop_value (list_values), 0.001);
LONGS_EQUAL(0, list_values->size);
ptr_value = (double *)malloc (sizeof (*ptr_value));
*ptr_value = 123.5;
arraylist_add (list_values, ptr_value);
LONGS_EQUAL(1, list_values->size);
ptr_value = (double *)malloc (sizeof (*ptr_value));
*ptr_value = 456.2;
arraylist_add (list_values, ptr_value);
LONGS_EQUAL(2, list_values->size);
DOUBLES_EQUAL(456.2, calc_pop_value (list_values), 0.001);
LONGS_EQUAL(1, list_values->size);
DOUBLES_EQUAL(123.5, calc_pop_value (list_values), 0.001);
LONGS_EQUAL(0, list_values->size);
arraylist_free (list_values);
* Tests functions:
* calc_operation
TEST(CoreCalc, CalcOperation)
DOUBLES_EQUAL(0, calc_operation (NULL, 2, 3), 0.001);
DOUBLES_EQUAL(0, calc_operation ("", 2, 3), 0.001);
DOUBLES_EQUAL(0, calc_operation ("", 2, 3), 0.001);
DOUBLES_EQUAL(0, calc_operation ("$", 2, 3), 0.001);
DOUBLES_EQUAL(5.2, calc_operation ("+", 2, 3.2), 0.001);
DOUBLES_EQUAL(-1.2, calc_operation ("-", 2, 3.2), 0.001);
DOUBLES_EQUAL(6.4, calc_operation ("*", 2, 3.2), 0.001);
DOUBLES_EQUAL(0.625, calc_operation ("/", 2, 3.2), 0.001);
DOUBLES_EQUAL(2, calc_operation ("//", 7, 3), 0.001);
DOUBLES_EQUAL(3.3, calc_operation ("%", 9, 5.7), 0.001);
DOUBLES_EQUAL(256, calc_operation ("**", 2, 8), 0.001);
* Tests functions:
* calc_operation_stacks
TEST(CoreCalc, CalcOperationStacks)
struct t_arraylist *list_values, *list_ops;
double *ptr_value;
char *ptr_op;
calc_operation_stacks (NULL, NULL);
list_values = arraylist_new (32, 0, 1,
&calc_list_free_cb, NULL);
list_ops = arraylist_new (32, 0, 1,
&calc_list_free_cb, NULL);
calc_operation_stacks (list_values, list_ops);
ptr_value = (double *)malloc (sizeof (*ptr_value));
*ptr_value = 123.5;
arraylist_add (list_values, ptr_value);
ptr_value = (double *)malloc (sizeof (*ptr_value));
*ptr_value = 456.2;
arraylist_add (list_values, ptr_value);
ptr_op = strdup ("+");
arraylist_add (list_ops, ptr_op);
calc_operation_stacks (list_values, list_ops);
ptr_value = (double *)arraylist_get (list_values, 0);
DOUBLES_EQUAL(579.7, *ptr_value, 0.001);
arraylist_free (list_values);
arraylist_free (list_ops);
* Tests functions:
* calc_sanitize_decimal_number