characters: # array of all characters - nick: reference # required: nickname/id for loading character. hidden: false # optional: is sheet hidden from public if true overrides: # all values in this section are optional. css: # css knobs color: # change color without writing css. # overrides the background of the character sheet background: '#fff' # overrides the text colour of the character sheet text: '#333' # overrides the navbar background color on the character sheet navbg: '#f8f8f8' # overrides the color the navbar's background is while hovering navhoverbg: '#f8f8f8' # override the background color of the active link in the navbar navactivebg: '#f8f8f8' # override the foreground (text) color of the navbar navfg: '#777' # override the text color of the navbar while hovering navhoverfg: '#333' # override the text color of the active link on the navbar navactivefg: '#777' # override the border color of the navbar navborder: '#e7e7e7' # override the border color of the navbar while hovering navhoverborder: '#e7e7e7' # override the border color of the navbar while active navactiveborder: '#e7e7e7' # override the background color of the homepage banner homepagebg: '#fff' # override the background color of the homepage banner while hovering homepagehoverbg: '#fff' # override the text color of the homepage banner homepagefg: '#fff' # override the text color of the homepage banner while hovering homepagehoverfg: '#fff' style: # rules and text to add to the css file directly. # todo: make this a working feature. # override the order of the page, and fields used. # order: ["desc","ref","general.attr","general.color","appearence","attire","skills","magic"] paragraph: "" # additional sections to convert to paragraphs go here. # an optional real name for the character to go by name: Reference Character # optional player of character, shown in footer in the copyright notice. player: foxiepaws general: attr: # required section: any key/value pair can go here, keys will be title-cased and underbars will be replaced with spaces. examples follow. age: 21 sex: female gender: female class: Mage alignment: Lawful Good species: Human build: average height: 5'9" weight: 144lbs color: # optional section: each color must have a location and text, hex value is optional. - location: skin text: White - location: hair text: Brown - location: eyes text: Blue hex: '#4259e0' stats: # optional section, must have key and value, desc (description) optional. example based on ADD basic stats - key: STR desc: Strength value: 0 - key: DEX desc: Dexterity value: 0 - key: CON value: 0 - key: INT value: 0 - key: WIS value: 0 - key: CHA value: 0 images: avatar: reference_avatar.png homepage: reference_avatar-transparent.png ref: reference_refsheet.png more: # optional section - path: /path/to/uploaded/file caption: Some image - path: http://somehostsite/path/to/file caption: another image! description: | This section is shown at the top of the page as a summary. It is required for each character. double line breaks (\n\n) will be interpreted as the start of a new paragraph appearance: | This section is used to describe what your character looks like in general. It is not used for clothing/equipment, just a general overview. It also supports double linebreaks -> paragraphs. It is optional. personality: | This section is used to describe your character's personality, it is optional and supports formatting into paragraphs. attire: | This section is used to describe what your character wears. It is optional and supports splitting into paragraphs skills: | This section is used to describe what skills your character has. it is optional and supports splitting into paragraphs. It appears first in the skills and magic section of the default template. magic: | This section is used to describe what magical abilities, hexes placed on, effects, charms, etc your character has. it is optional, supports splitting into paragraphs and appears second in the Skills and Magic section on the default template # more sections can be added, and simply need to be added to the template in most cases.