
330 lines
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defmodule Hunter.Api do
## Account
@doc """
Retrieve account of authenticated user
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
@callback verify_credentials(conn :: Hunter.Client.t) :: Hunter.Account.t
@doc """
Retrieve account
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - account identifier
@callback account(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, id :: non_neg_integer) :: Hunter.Account.t
@doc """
Get a list of followers
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - account identifier
@callback followers(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, id :: non_neg_integer) :: Hunter.Account.t
@doc """
Get a list of followed accounts
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - account identifier
@callback following(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, id :: non_neg_integer) :: Hunter.Account.t
@doc """
Follow a remote user
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `uri` - URI of the remote user, in the format of `username@domain`
@callback follow_by_uri(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, id :: non_neg_integer) :: Hunter.Account.t
## Application
@doc """
Register a new OAuth client app on the target instance
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `name`
* `redirect_uri`
* `scopes`
* `website`
@callback create_app(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, name :: String.t, redirect_uri :: URI.t, scopes :: String.t, website :: String.t) :: Hunter.Application.t
@doc """
Upload a media file
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `file` -
@callback upload_media(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, file :: Path.t) :: Hunter.Media.t
## Relationship
@doc """
Get the relationships of authenticated user towards given other users
## Parameters
* `id` - list of relationship IDs
@callback relationships(ids :: [non_neg_integer]) :: [Hunter.Relationship.t]
@doc """
Follow a user
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - user id
@callback follow(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, id :: non_neg_integer) :: Hunter.Relationship.t
@doc """
Unfollow a user
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - user identifier
@callback unfollow(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, id :: non_neg_integer) :: Hunter.Relationship.t
@doc """
Block a user
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - user identifier
@callback block(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, id :: non_neg_integer) :: Hunter.Relationship.t
@doc """
Unblock a user
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - user identifier
@callback unblock(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, id :: non_neg_integer) :: Hunter.Relationship.t
@doc """
Mute a user
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - user identifier
@callback mute(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, id :: non_neg_integer) :: Hunter.Relationship.t
@doc """
Unmute a user
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - user identifier
@callback unmute(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, id :: non_neg_integer) :: Hunter.Relationship.t
## Result
@doc """
Search for content
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `q` - the search query
* `options` - option list
## Options
* `resolve` - whether to resolve non-local accounts
@callback search(Hunter.Client.t, query :: String.t, options :: Keyword.t) :: Hunter.Result.t
## Status
@doc """
Create new status
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `text` - [String]
* `in_reply_to_id` - [Integer]
* `media_ids` - [Array<Integer>]
@callback create_status(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, text :: String.t, in_reply_to_id :: non_neg_integer, media_ids :: [non_neg_integer]) :: Hunter.Status.t
@doc """
Retrieve status
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - status identifier
@callback status(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, id :: non_neg_integer) :: Hunter.Status
@doc """
Destroy status
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - status identifier
@callback destroy_status(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, id :: non_neg_integer) :: boolean
@doc """
Reblog a status
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - status identifier
@callback reblog(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, id :: non_neg_integer) :: Hunter.Status.t
@doc """
Undo a reblog of a status
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - status identifier
@callback unreblog(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, id :: non_neg_integer) :: Hunter.Status.t
@doc """
Favorite a status
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - status identifier
@callback favourite(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, id :: non_neg_integer) :: Hunter.Status.t
@doc """
Undo a favorite of a status
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - status identifier
@callback unfavourite(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, id :: non_neg_integer) :: Hunter.Status.t
@doc """
Get a list of statuses by a user
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `account_id` - account identifier
* `options` - option list
## Options
* `max_id` - [Integer]
* `since_id` - [Integer]
* `limit` - [Integer]
@callback statuses(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, account_id :: non_neg_integer, options :: Keyword.t) :: [Hunter.Status.t]
@doc """
Retrieve statuses from the home timeline
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `options` - option list
## Options
* `max_id` - [Integer]
* `since_id` - [Integer]
* `limit` - [Integer]
@callback home_timeline(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, options :: Keyword.t) :: [Hunter.Status.t]
@doc """
Retrieve statuses from the public timeline
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `options` - option list
## Options
* `max_id` - [Integer]
* `since_id` - [Integer]
* `limit` - [Integer]
@callback public_timeline(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, options :: Keyword.t) :: [Hunter.Status.t]
@doc """
Retrieve statuses from a hashtag
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `hashtag` - list of strings
## Options
* `max_id` - [Integer]
* `since_id` - [Integer]
* `limit` - [Integer]
@callback hashtag_timeline(conn :: Hunter.Client.t, hashtag :: [String.t], options :: Keyword.t) :: [Hunter.Status]