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defmodule Hunter.Status do
@moduledoc """
Status entity
## Fields
* `id` - status id
* `uri` - a Fediverse-unique resource ID
* `url` - URL to the status page (can be remote)
* `account` - the `Hunter.Account` which posted the status
* `in_reply_to_id` - `nil` or the ID of the status it replies to
* `in_reply_to_account_id` - `nil` or the ID of the account it replies to
* `reblog` - `nil` or the reblogged `Hunter.Status`
* `content` - body of the status; this will contain HTML (remote HTML already sanitized)
* `created_at` - time the status was created
* `reblogs_count` - number of reblogs for the status
* `favourites_count` - number of favourites for the status
* `reblogged` - whether the authenticated user has reblogged the status
* `favourited` - whether the authenticated user has favourited the status
* `sensitive` - whether media attachments should be hidden by default
* `spoiler_text` - if not empty, warning text that should be displayed before the actual content
* `visibility` - one of: `public`, `unlisted`, `private`, `direct`
* `media_attachments` - A list of `Hunter.Attachment`
* `mentions` - list of `Hunter.Mention`
* `tags` - list of `Hunter.Tag`
* `application` - `Hunter.Application` from which the status was posted
@hunter_api Application.get_env(:hunter, :hunter_api)
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
id: non_neg_integer,
uri: URI.t,
url: URI.t,
account: Hunter.Account.t,
in_reply_to_id: non_neg_integer,
reblog: Hunter.Status.t | nil,
content: String.t,
created_at: String.t,
reblogs_count: non_neg_integer,
favourites_count: non_neg_integer,
reblogged: boolean,
favourited: boolean,
sensitive: boolean,
spoiler_text: String.t,
media_attachments: [Hunter.Attachment.t],
mentions: [Hunter.Mention.t],
tags: [Hunter.Tag.t],
application: Hunter.Application.t
@type status_id :: non_neg_integer
@derive [Poison.Encoder]
defstruct [:id,
@doc """
Create new status
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `text` - [String]
* `in_reply_to_id` - status identifier
* `media_ids` - [Array<Integer>]
@spec create_status(Hunter.Client.t, String.t, status_id, [non_neg_integer]) :: Hunter.Status.t
def create_status(conn, text, in_reply_to_id \\ nil, media_ids \\ []) do
@hunter_api.create_status(conn, text, in_reply_to_id, media_ids)
@doc """
Retrieve status
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - status identifier
@spec status(Hunter.Client.t, status_id) :: Hunter.Status.t
def status(conn, id) do
@hunter_api.status(conn, id)
@doc """
Destroy status
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - status identifier
@spec destroy_status(Hunter.Client.t, status_id) :: boolean
def destroy_status(conn, id) do
@hunter_api.destroy_status(conn, id)
@doc """
Reblog a status
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - status identifier
@spec reblog(Hunter.Client.t, status_id) :: Hunter.Status.t
def reblog(conn, id) do
@hunter_api.reblog(conn, id)
@doc """
Undo a reblog of a status
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - status identifier
@spec unreblog(Hunter.Client.t, status_id) :: Hunter.Status.t
def unreblog(conn, id) do
@hunter_api.unreblog(conn, id)
@doc """
Fetch the list of users who reblogged the status.
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - status identifier
@spec reblogged_by(Hunter.Client.t, status_id) :: [Hunter.Account.t]
def reblogged_by(conn, id) do
@hunter_api.reblogged_by(conn, id)
@doc """
Favorite a status
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - status identifier
@spec favourite(Hunter.Client.t, status_id) :: Hunter.Status.t
def favourite(conn, id) do
@hunter_api.favourite(conn, id)
@doc """
Undo a favorite of a status
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - status identifier
@spec unfavourite(Hunter.Client.t, status_id) :: Hunter.Status.t
def unfavourite(conn, id) do
@hunter_api.unfavourite(conn, id)
@doc """
Fetch a user's favourites
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
@spec favourites(Hunter.Client.t) :: [Hunter.Status.t]
def favourites(conn) do
@doc """
Fetch the list of users who favourited the status
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - status identifier
@spec favourited_by(Hunter.Client.t, status_id) :: [Hunter.Account.t]
def favourited_by(conn, id) do
@hunter_api.favourited_by(conn, id)
@doc """
Get a list of statuses by a user
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `account_id` - account identifier
* `options` - option list
## Options
* `max_id` - [Integer]
* `since_id` - [Integer]
* `limit` - [Integer]
@spec statuses(Hunter.Client.t, status_id, Keyword.t) :: [Hunter.Status.t]
def statuses(conn, account_id, options \\ []) do
@hunter_api.statuses(conn, account_id, options)
@doc """
Retrieve statuses from the home timeline
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `options` - option list
## Options
* `max_id` - [Integer]
* `since_id` - [Integer]
* `limit` - [Integer]
@spec home_timeline(Hunter.Client.t, Keyword.t) :: [Hunter.Status.t]
def home_timeline(conn, options \\ []) do
@hunter_api.home_timeline(conn, options)
@doc """
Retrieve statuses from the public timeline
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `options` - option list
## Options
* `max_id` - [Integer]
* `since_id` - [Integer]
* `limit` - [Integer]
@spec public_timeline(Hunter.Client.t, Keyword.t) :: [Hunter.Status.t]
def public_timeline(conn, options \\ []) do
@hunter_api.public_timeline(conn, options)
@doc """
Retrieve statuses from a hashtag
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `hashtag` - string list
* `options` - option list
## Options
* `max_id` - [Integer]
* `since_id` - [Integer]
* `limit` - [Integer]
@spec hashtag_timeline(Hunter.Client.t, [String.t], Keyword.t) :: [Hunter.Status.t]
def hashtag_timeline(conn, hashtag, options \\ []) do
@hunter_api.hashtag_timeline(conn, hashtag, options)