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defmodule Hunter.Attachment do
@moduledoc """
Attachment entity
This module defines a `Hunter.Attachment` struct and the main functions
for working with Attachments.
## Fields
* `id` - ID of the attachment
* `type` - One of: "image", "video", "gifv"
* `url` - URL of the locally hosted version of the image
* `remote_url` - For remote images, the remote URL of the original image
* `preview_url` - URL of the preview image
* `text_url` - Shorter URL for the image, for insertion into text (only present on local images)
* `meta` - Specifies `width`, `height`, `size` (width x height), `aspect`
@hunter_api Hunter.Config.hunter_api()
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
id: non_neg_integer,
type: String.t(),
url: String.t(),
remote_url: String.t(),
preview_url: String.t(),
text_url: String.t(),
meta: String.t()
@derive [Poison.Encoder]
defstruct [:id, :type, :url, :remote_url, :preview_url, :text_url, :meta]
@doc """
Upload a media attachment
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `file` - media to be uploaded
@spec upload_media(Hunter.Client.t(), Path.t()) :: Hunter.Attachment.t()
def upload_media(conn, file) do
@hunter_api.upload_media(conn, file)