
80 lines
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defmodule Hunter.Card do
@moduledoc """
Card entity
This module defines a `Hunter.Card` struct and the main functions
for working with Cards
## Fields
* `url`- the url associated with the card
* `title` - the title of the card
* `description` - the card description
* `image` - the image associated with the card, if any
* `type` - `link`, `photo`, `video`, or `rich`
* `author_name` - name of the author/owner of the resource
* `author_url` - URL for the author/owner of the resource
* `provider_name` - name of the resource provider
* `provider_url` - url of the resource provider
* `html` - HTML required to display the resource
* `width` - width in pixels
* `height` - height in pixels
alias Hunter.Config
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
url: String.t(),
title: String.t(),
description: String.t(),
image: String.t(),
type: String.t(),
author_name: String.t(),
author_url: String.t(),
provider_name: String.t(),
provider_url: String.t(),
html: String.t(),
width: non_neg_integer,
height: non_neg_integer
@derive [Poison.Encoder]
defstruct [
@doc """
Retrieve a card associated with a status
## Parameters
* `conn` - connection credentials
* `id` - status id
## Examples
iex> conn =[base_url: "", bearer_token: "123456"])
%Hunter.Client{base_url: "", bearer_token: "123456"}
iex> Hunter.Card.card_by_status(conn, 118_635)
%Hunter.Card{description: "hunter - A Elixir client for Mastodon, a GNU Social compatible micro-blogging service",
image: "",
title: "milmazz/hunter", url: ""}
@spec card_by_status(Hunter.Client.t(), non_neg_integer) :: Hunter.Card.t()
def card_by_status(conn, id) do
Config.hunter_api().card_by_status(conn, id)