defmodule Hunter.Result do @moduledoc """ Result entity ## Fields * `accounts` - list of matched `Hunter.Account` * `statuses` - list of matched `Hunter.Status` * `hashtags` - list of matched hashtags, as strings """ @hunter_api Application.get_env(:hunter, :hunter_api) @type t :: %__MODULE__{ accounts: [Hunter.Account.t], statuses: [Hunter.Status.t], hashtags: [String.t] } @derive [Poison.Encoder] defstruct accounts: [], statuses: [], hashtags: [] @doc """ Search for content # Parameters * `conn` - Connection credentials * `q` - [String] The search query ## Options * `resolve` - [Boolean] Whether to resolve non-local accounts """ @spec search(Hunter.Client.t, String.t, Keyword.t) :: Hunter.Result.t def search(conn, query, options \\ []) do, query, options) end end