defmodule Hunter.Account do @moduledoc """ Account entity This module defines a `Hunter.Account` struct and the main functions for working with Accounts. ## Fields * `id` - the id of the account * `username` - the username of the account * `acct` - equals `username` for local users, includes `@domain` for remote ones * `display_name` - the account's display name * `locked` - boolean for when the account cannot be followed without waiting for approval first * `created_at` - the time the account was created * `followers_count` - the number of followers for the account * `following_count` - the number of accounts the given account is following * `statuses_count` - the number of statuses the account has made * `note` - biography of user * `url` - URL of the user's profile page (can be remote) * `avatar` - URL to the avatar image * `avatar_static` - URL to the avatar static image (gif) * `header` - URL to the header image * `header_static` - URL to the header static image (gif) * `emojis` - list of emojis * `moved` - moved from account * `bot` - whether this account is a bot or not """ alias Hunter.Config @type t :: %__MODULE__{ id: non_neg_integer, username: String.t(), acct: String.t(), display_name: String.t(), note: String.t(), url: String.t(), avatar: String.t(), avatar_static: String.t(), header: String.t(), header_static: String.t(), locked: String.t(), created_at: String.t(), followers_count: non_neg_integer, following_count: non_neg_integer, statuses_count: non_neg_integer, emojis: [Hunter.Emoji.t()], moved: t(), fields: [any()], bot: boolean } @derive [Poison.Encoder] defstruct [ :id, :username, :acct, :display_name, :note, :url, :avatar, :avatar_static, :header, :header_static, :locked, :created_at, :followers_count, :following_count, :statuses_count, :emojis, :moved, :fields, :bot ] @doc """ Retrieve account of authenticated user ## Parameters * `conn` - connection credentials ## Examples iex> conn =[base_url: "", bearer_token: "123456"]) %Hunter.Client{base_url: "", bearer_token: "123456"} iex> Hunter.Account.verify_credentials(conn) %Hunter.Account{acct: "milmazz", avatar: "", avatar_static: "", created_at: "2017-04-06T17:43:55.325Z", display_name: "Milton Mazzarri", followers_count: 4, following_count: 4, header: "", header_static: "", id: 8039, locked: false, note: "", statuses_count: 3, url: "", username: "milmazz"} """ @spec verify_credentials(Hunter.Client.t()) :: Hunter.Account.t() def verify_credentials(conn) do Config.hunter_api().verify_credentials(conn) end @doc """ Make changes to the authenticated user ## Parameters * `conn` - connection credentials * `data` - data payload ## Possible keys for payload * `display_name` - name to display in the user's profile * `note` - new biography for the user * `avatar` - base64 encoded image to display as the user's avatar (e.g. `...`) * `header` - base64 encoded image to display as the user's header image (e.g. `...`) """ @spec update_credentials(Hunter.Client.t(), map) :: Hunter.Account.t() def update_credentials(conn, data) do Config.hunter_api().update_credentials(conn, data) end @doc """ Retrieve account ## Parameters * `conn` - connection credentials * `id` - account id """ @spec account(Hunter.Client.t(), non_neg_integer) :: Hunter.Account.t() def account(conn, id) do Config.hunter_api().account(conn, id) end @doc """ Get a list of followers ## Parameters * `conn` - connection credentials * `id` - account id * `options` - options list ## Options * `max_id` - get a list of followers with id less than or equal this value * `since_id` - get a list of followers with id greater than this value * `limit` - maximum number of followers to get, default: 40, maximum: 80 **Note:** `max_id` and `since_id` for next and previous pages are provided in the `Link` header. It is **not** possible to use the `id` of the returned objects to construct your own URLs, because the results are sorted by an internal key. """ @spec followers(Hunter.Client.t(), non_neg_integer, Keyword.t()) :: [Hunter.Account.t()] def followers(conn, id, options \\ []) do Config.hunter_api().followers(conn, id, options) end @doc """ Get a list of followed accounts ## Parameters * `conn` - connection credentials * `id` - account id * `options` - options list ## Options * `max_id` - get a list of followings with id less than or equal this value * `since_id` - get a list of followings with id greater than this value * `limit` - maximum number of followings to get, default: 40, maximum: 80 **Note:** `max_id` and `since_id` for next and previous pages are provided in the `Link` header. It is **not** possible to use the `id` of the returned objects to construct your own URLs, because the results are sorted by an internal key. """ @spec following(Hunter.Client.t(), non_neg_integer, Keyword.t()) :: [Hunter.Account.t()] def following(conn, id, options \\ []) do Config.hunter_api().following(conn, id, options) end @doc """ Follow a remote user ## Parameters * `conn` - connection credentials * `uri` - URI of the remote user, in the format of `username@domain` """ @spec follow_by_uri(Hunter.Client.t(), String.t()) :: Hunter.Account.t() def follow_by_uri(conn, uri) do Config.hunter_api().follow_by_uri(conn, uri) end @doc """ Search for accounts ## Parameters * `conn` - connection credentials * `options` - option list ## Options * `q`: what to search for * `limit`: maximum number of matching accounts to return, default: 40 """ @spec search_account(Hunter.Client.t(), Keyword.t()) :: [Hunter.Account.t()] def search_account(conn, options) do opts = %{ q: Keyword.fetch!(options, :q), limit: Keyword.get(options, :limit, 40) } Config.hunter_api().search_account(conn, opts) end @doc """ Retrieve user's blocks ## Parameters * `conn` - connection credentials ## Options * `max_id` - get a list of blocks with id less than or equal this value * `since_id` - get a list of blocks with id greater than this value * `limit` - maximum number of blocks to get, default: 40, max: 80 """ @spec blocks(Hunter.Client.t(), Keyword.t()) :: [Hunter.Account.t()] def blocks(conn, options \\ []) do Config.hunter_api().blocks(conn, options) end @doc """ Retrieve a list of follow requests ## Parameters * `conn` - connection credentials * `options` - option list ## Options * `max_id` - get a list of follow requests with id less than or equal this value * `since_id` - get a list of follow requests with id greater than this value * `limit` - maximum number of requests to get, default: 40, max: 80 """ @spec follow_requests(Hunter.Client.t(), Keyword.t()) :: [Hunter.Account.t()] def follow_requests(conn, options \\ []) do Config.hunter_api().follow_requests(conn, options) end @doc """ Retrieve user's mutes ## Parameters * `conn` - connection credentials * `options` - option list ## Options * `max_id` - get a list of mutes with id less than or equal this value * `since_id` - get a list of mutes with id greater than this value * `limit` - maximum number of mutes to get, default: 40, max: 80 """ @spec mutes(Hunter.Client.t(), Keyword.t()) :: [Hunter.Account.t()] def mutes(conn, options \\ []) do Config.hunter_api().mutes(conn, options) end @doc """ Accepts a follow request ## Parameters * `conn` - connection credentials * `id` - follow request id """ @spec accept_follow_request(Hunter.Client.t(), non_neg_integer) :: boolean def accept_follow_request(conn, id) do Config.hunter_api().follow_request_action(conn, id, :authorize) end @doc """ Rejects a follow request ## Parameters * `conn` - connection credentials * `id` - follow request id """ @spec reject_follow_request(Hunter.Client.t(), non_neg_integer) :: boolean def reject_follow_request(conn, id) do Config.hunter_api().follow_request_action(conn, id, :reject) end @doc """ Fetch the list of users who reblogged the status. ## Parameters * `conn` - connection credentials * `id` - status identifier * `options` - option list ## Options * `max_id` - get a list of *reblogged by* ids less than or equal this value * `since_id` - get a list of *reblogged by* ids greater than this value * `limit` - maximum number of *reblogged by* to get, default: 40, max: 80 """ @spec reblogged_by(Hunter.Client.t(), non_neg_integer, Keyword.t()) :: [Hunter.Account.t()] def reblogged_by(conn, id, options \\ []) do Config.hunter_api().reblogged_by(conn, id, options) end @doc """ Fetch the list of users who favourited the status ## Parameters * `conn` - connection credentials * `id` - status identifier * `options` - option list ## Options * `max_id` - get a list of *favourited by* ids less than or equal this value * `since_id` - get a list of *favourited by* ids greater than this value * `limit` - maximum number of *favourited by* to get, default: 40, max: 80 """ @spec favourited_by(Hunter.Client.t(), non_neg_integer, Keyword.t()) :: [Hunter.Account.t()] def favourited_by(conn, id, options \\ []) do Config.hunter_api().favourited_by(conn, id, options) end end