# Changelog ## v0.5.1 * Bug fixes - Fix publishing new statuses (#14) ## v0.5.0 * Features - Add Emoji entity, add new fields on Account entity - Fix upload_media - Updated some dependencies - Include new attributes in some Entities - Improve exception handling - Move `reblogged_by` and `favourited_by` to Account module - Update endpoints according to recent docs - Fix `create_status` and `relationships` endpoints - Refactor HTTP Client - Set default values for API base url and home - Fix some specs * Documentation - Hide internal details from docs - Fix link to server-sent events docs - Add more examples in the docs ## v0.4.0 * Features - Update current user: `Hunter.update_credentials/2` - Register an application: `Hunter.create_app/5` - Load persisted app credentials: `Hunter.load_credentials/1` - Acquire access token: `Hunter.log_in/4` - Get who reblogged a status: `Hunter.reblogged_by/2` - Get who favorited a status: `Hunter.favourited_by/2` - Authorize follow requests: `Hunter.accept_follow_request/2` - Reject follow requests: `Hunter.reject_follow_request/2` * Documentation - Add more examples in the README - How to contribute guide - Code of conduct ## v0.3.0 * Features: - Search for accounts or content - Get an account's relationship - Fetch user's blocks - Fetch a list of follow requests - Fetch user's mutes - Get instance information - Fetch user's notifications - Getting a single notification - Clear notifications - Fetch user's reports - Report a user - Get status context - Get a card associated with a status ## v0.2.0 * Features: - Add media files - Fetching user's favorites - (un)favoriting a status ## v0.1.0 * Initial release