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les gens pensez à migrer d'instance pour en aller sur une moins chargée tant que vous pouvez, plus vous attendrez plus vous aurez la flemme

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Impossibility of Distributed Consensus with One Faulty
Process - Fischer, Lynch, Paterson

PDF: https://groups.csail.mit.edu/tds/papers/Lynch/jacm85.pdf

The consensus problem involves an asynchronous system of processes, some of which may be unreliable. The problem is for the reliable processes to agree on a binary value. In this paper, it is shown that every protocol for this problem has the possibility of nontermination, even with only one faulty process.

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One Pass Real-Time Generational Mark-Sweep Garbage Collection - Armstrong, Virding

Link: http://buff.ly/2pdh7iS

In this paper we present a simple scheme for reclaiming data for such language classes with a single pass mark-sweep collector. We also show how the simple scheme can be modified so that the collection can be done in an incremental manner (making it suitable for real-time collection).

#garbagecollection #compsci #paperswelove


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One Pass Real-Time Generational Mark-Sweep Garbage Collection - Armstrong, Virding

Link: http://buff.ly/2pdh7iS

In this paper we present a simple scheme for reclaiming data for such language classes with a single pass mark-sweep collector. We also show how the simple scheme can be modified so that the collection can be done in an incremental manner (making it suitable for real-time collection).

#garbagecollection #compsci #paperswelove


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One Pass Real-Time Generational Mark-Sweep Garbage Collection - Armstrong, Virding

Link: http://buff.ly/2pdh7iS

In this paper we present a simple scheme for reclaiming data for such language classes with a single pass mark-sweep collector. We also show how the simple scheme can be modified so that the collection can be done in an incremental manner (making it suitable for real-time collection).

#garbagecollection #compsci #paperswelove


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Impossibility of Distributed Consensus with One Faulty
Process - Fischer, Lynch, Paterson

PDF: https://groups.csail.mit.edu/tds/papers/Lynch/jacm85.pdf

The consensus problem involves an asynchronous system of processes, some of which may be unreliable. The problem is for the reliable processes to agree on a binary value. In this paper, it is shown that every protocol for this problem has the possibility of nontermination, even with only one faulty process.

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New release: hunter (0.3.0): Elixir client for Mastodon, a GNU social-compatible micro-blogging service


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Hunter is a Elixir client for Mastodon: https://github.com/milmazz/hunter #myelixirstatus

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@Shutsumon You should read "How to design programs" book http://htdp.org

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les gens pensez à migrer d'instance pour en aller sur une moins chargée tant que vous pouvez, plus vous attendrez plus vous aurez la flemme

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+ + test "verify credentials" do + expect(Hunter.ApiMock, :verify_credentials, fn %Hunter.Client{} -> + %Account{username: "milmazz"} + end) + + assert %Account{username: "milmazz"} = Account.verify_credentials(@conn) end - test "verify credentials", %{conn: conn} do - assert %Account{username: "milmazz"} = Account.verify_credentials(conn) + test "returns an account" do + expect(Hunter.ApiMock, :account, fn %Hunter.Client{}, _id -> + %Account{username: "milmazz"} + end) + + assert %Account{username: "milmazz"} = Account.account(@conn, 8039) end - test "returns an account", %{conn: conn} do - assert %Account{username: "milmazz"} = Account.account(conn, 8039) + test "returns a collection of followers accounts" do + expect(Hunter.ApiMock, :followers, fn %Hunter.Client{}, _id, _opts -> + [%Account{username: "kadaba"}] + end) + + assert [%Account{username: "kadaba"} | _] = Account.followers(@conn, 8039) end - test "returns a collection of followers accounts", %{conn: conn} do - collection = Account.followers(conn, 8039) - assert %Account{username: "kadaba"} = List.first(collection) + test "returns a collection of following accounts" do + expect(Hunter.ApiMock, :following, fn %Hunter.Client{}, _id, _opts -> + [%Account{username: "paperswelove"}] + end) + + assert [%Account{username: "paperswelove"} | _] = Account.following(@conn, 8039) end - test "returns a collection of following accounts", %{conn: conn} do - collection = Account.following(conn, 8039) - assert %Account{username: "paperswelove"} = List.first(collection) - end + test "following a remote user" do + expect(Hunter.ApiMock, :follow_by_uri, fn %Hunter.Client{}, _id -> + %Account{username: "paperswelove"} + end) - test "following a remote user", %{conn: conn} do assert %Account{username: "paperswelove"} = - Account.follow_by_uri(conn, "paperswelove@mstdn.io") + Account.follow_by_uri(@conn, "paperswelove@mstdn.io") end end diff --git a/test/hunter/application_test.exs b/test/hunter/application_test.exs index 0fbcd8c..5ff06e1 100644 --- a/test/hunter/application_test.exs +++ b/test/hunter/application_test.exs @@ -1,4 +1,25 @@ defmodule Hunter.ApplicationTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true - doctest Hunter.Application + + import Mox + + alias Hunter.Application + + setup :verify_on_exit! + + test "should allow to create an app" do + expect(Hunter.ApiMock, :create_app, fn _client, _redirect, _scopes, _website, _opts -> + %Application{client_id: "1234567890", client_secret: "1234567890", id: 1234} + end) + + assert %Application{client_id: "1234567890", client_secret: "1234567890", id: 1234} == + Application.create_app( + "hunter", + "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob", + ["read", "write", "follow"], + nil, + save?: false, + api_base_url: "https://example.com" + ) + end end diff --git a/test/hunter/card_test.exs b/test/hunter/card_test.exs index cecde1b..ed5a9bd 100644 --- a/test/hunter/card_test.exs +++ b/test/hunter/card_test.exs @@ -1,14 +1,18 @@ defmodule Hunter.CardTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true - doctest Hunter.Card + + import Mox alias Hunter.Card - setup do - [conn: Hunter.Client.new(base_url: "https://example.com", bearer_token: "123456")] - end + setup :verify_on_exit! - test "verify a card associated with a status", %{conn: conn} do + test "verify a card associated with a status" do + expect(Hunter.ApiMock, :card_by_status, fn _conn, _id -> + %Card{title: "milmazz/hunter"} + end) + + conn = Hunter.Client.new(base_url: "https://example.com", bearer_token: "123456") assert %Card{title: "milmazz/hunter"} = Card.card_by_status(conn, 118_635) end end diff --git a/test/hunter/instance_test.exs b/test/hunter/instance_test.exs index 81bc9ff..29d7463 100644 --- a/test/hunter/instance_test.exs +++ b/test/hunter/instance_test.exs @@ -1,14 +1,18 @@ defmodule Hunter.InstanceTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true - doctest Hunter.Instance + + import Mox alias Hunter.Instance - setup do - [conn: Hunter.Client.new(base_url: "https://example.com", bearer_token: "123456")] - end + setup :verify_on_exit! - test "verify instance information", %{conn: conn} do + test "verify instance information" do + expect(Hunter.ApiMock, :instance_info, fn _conn -> + %Instance{uri: "social.lou.lt"} + end) + + conn = Hunter.Client.new(base_url: "https://example.com", bearer_token: "123456") assert %Instance{uri: "social.lou.lt"} = Instance.instance_info(conn) end end diff --git a/test/hunter/notification_test.exs b/test/hunter/notification_test.exs index f09e4f6..d17030b 100644 --- a/test/hunter/notification_test.exs +++ b/test/hunter/notification_test.exs @@ -1,22 +1,31 @@ defmodule Hunter.NotificationTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true - doctest Hunter.Notification - alias Hunter.Notification + import Mox - setup do - [conn: Hunter.Client.new(base_url: "https://example.com", bearer_token: "123456")] + alias Hunter.{Account, Notification} + + @conn Hunter.Client.new(base_url: "https://example.com", bearer_token: "123456") + + setup :verify_on_exit! + + test "fetch user's notifications" do + expect(Hunter.ApiMock, :notifications, fn _conn, _opts -> + [%Notification{account: %Account{username: "paperswelove"}, type: "follow"}] + end) + + [notification | _] = Notification.notifications(@conn) + assert "paperswelove" == notification.account.username + assert "follow" == notification.type end - test "fetch user's notifications", %{conn: conn} do - notifications = conn |> Notification.notifications() |> List.first() - assert "paperswelove" == notifications.account["username"] - assert "follow" == notifications.type - end + test "fetch a single notification" do + expect(Hunter.ApiMock, :notification, fn _conn, _id -> + %Notification{account: %Account{username: "paperswelove"}, type: "follow"} + end) - test "fetch a single notification", %{conn: conn} do - notification = Notification.notification(conn, 17_476) - assert "paperswelove" == notification.account["username"] + notification = Notification.notification(@conn, 17_476) + assert "paperswelove" == notification.account.username assert "follow" == notification.type end end diff --git a/test/hunter/status_test.exs b/test/hunter/status_test.exs index 8248de0..d2b6830 100644 --- a/test/hunter/status_test.exs +++ b/test/hunter/status_test.exs @@ -1,20 +1,27 @@ defmodule Hunter.StatusTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true - doctest Hunter.Status + + import Mox alias Hunter.Status - setup do - [conn: Hunter.Client.new(base_url: "https://example.com", bearer_token: "123456")] + @conn Hunter.Client.new(base_url: "https://example.com", bearer_token: "123456") + + setup :verify_on_exit! + + test "home timeline should return a collection of statuses" do + expect(Hunter.ApiMock, :home_timeline, fn _conn, _opts -> + [%Hunter.Status{}] + end) + + assert [timeline | []] = Status.home_timeline(@conn, limit: 1) end - test "home timeline should return a collection of statuses", %{conn: conn} do - timeline = Status.home_timeline(conn, limit: 1) - assert Enum.count(timeline) == 1 - end + test "public time should return a collection of statuses" do + expect(Hunter.ApiMock, :public_timeline, fn _conn, _opts -> + [%Hunter.Status{}] + end) - test "public time should return a collection of statuses", %{conn: conn} do - timeline = Status.public_timeline(conn, limit: 1, local: true) - assert Enum.count(timeline) == 1 + assert [timeline | []] = Status.public_timeline(@conn, limit: 1, local: true) end end diff --git a/test/support/in_memory.ex b/test/support/in_memory.ex deleted file mode 100644 index 916c53e..0000000 --- a/test/support/in_memory.ex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -defmodule Hunter.Api.InMemory do - @moduledoc """ - In-Memory Client (for testing purposes) - """ - - @behaviour Hunter.Api - - [ - %{name: :account, arity: 2, as: %Hunter.Account{}}, - %{name: :block, arity: 2, as: %Hunter.Relationship{}}, - %{name: :blocks, arity: 2, as: [%Hunter.Account{}]}, - %{name: :card_by_status, arity: 2, as: %Hunter.Card{}}, - %{name: :clear_notifications, arity: 1, as: %{}}, - %{name: :create_app, arity: 5, as: %Hunter.Application{}}, - %{name: :create_status, arity: 3, as: %Hunter.Status{}}, - %{name: :favourite, arity: 2, as: %Hunter.Status{}}, - %{name: :favourited_by, arity: 3, as: [%Hunter.Account{}]}, - %{name: :favourites, arity: 2, as: [%Hunter.Status{}]}, - %{name: :follow, arity: 2, as: %Hunter.Relationship{}}, - %{name: :follow_by_uri, arity: 2, as: %Hunter.Account{}}, - %{name: :follow_requests, arity: 2, as: [%Hunter.Account{}]}, - %{name: :followers, arity: 3, as: [%Hunter.Account{}]}, - %{name: :following, arity: 3, as: [%Hunter.Account{}]}, - %{name: :hashtag_timeline, arity: 3, as: [%Hunter.Status{}]}, - %{name: :home_timeline, arity: 2, as: [%Hunter.Status{}]}, - %{name: :instance_info, arity: 1, as: %Hunter.Instance{}}, - %{name: :log_in, arity: 4, as: %Hunter.Client{}}, - %{name: :mute, arity: 2, as: %Hunter.Relationship{}}, - %{name: :mutes, arity: 2, as: [%Hunter.Account{}]}, - %{name: :notification, arity: 2, as: %Hunter.Notification{}}, - %{name: :notifications, arity: 2, as: [%Hunter.Notification{}]}, - %{name: :public_timeline, arity: 2, as: [%Hunter.Status{}]}, - %{name: :reblog, arity: 2, as: %Hunter.Status{}}, - %{name: :reblogged_by, arity: 3, as: [%Hunter.Account{}]}, - %{name: :relationships, arity: 2, as: [%Hunter.Relationship{}]}, - %{name: :report, arity: 4, as: %Hunter.Report{}}, - %{name: :reports, arity: 1, as: [%Hunter.Report{}]}, - %{name: :search, arity: 3, as: %Hunter.Result{}}, - %{name: :search_account, arity: 2, as: [%Hunter.Account{}]}, - %{name: :status, arity: 2, as: %Hunter.Status{}}, - %{name: :status_context, arity: 2, as: %Hunter.Context{}}, - %{name: :statuses, arity: 3, as: [%Hunter.Status{}]}, - %{name: :unblock, arity: 2, as: %Hunter.Relationship{}}, - %{name: :unfavourite, arity: 2, as: %Hunter.Status{}}, - %{name: :unfollow, arity: 2, as: %Hunter.Relationship{}}, - %{name: :unmute, arity: 2, as: %Hunter.Relationship{}}, - %{name: :unreblog, arity: 2, as: %Hunter.Status{}}, - %{name: :update_credentials, arity: 2, as: %Hunter.Account{}}, - %{name: :upload_media, arity: 3, as: %Hunter.Attachment{}}, - %{name: :verify_credentials, arity: 1, as: %Hunter.Account{}} - ] - |> Enum.map(fn %{name: name, arity: arity, as: as} -> - params = for _ <- 1..arity, do: {:_, [], nil} - as = Macro.escape(as) - - def unquote(name)(unquote_splicing(params)) do - file = to_string(unquote(name)) - - "../fixtures/#{file}.json" - |> Path.expand(__DIR__) - |> File.read!() - |> Poison.decode!(as: unquote(as)) - end - end) - - def destroy_status(_, _), do: true - def follow_request_action(_, _, _), do: true - def blocked_domains(_, _), do: ["example.com"] - def block_domain(_, _), do: true - def unblock_domain(_, _), do: true - def clear_notification(_, _), do: true -end diff --git a/test/test_helper.exs b/test/test_helper.exs index 23b94a4..d695673 100644 --- a/test/test_helper.exs +++ b/test/test_helper.exs @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ ExUnit.start() -Application.put_env(:hunter, :hunter_api, Hunter.Api.InMemory) +Mox.defmock(Hunter.ApiMock, for: Hunter.Api) +Application.put_env(:hunter, :hunter_api, Hunter.ApiMock)