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2017-04-08 01:30:17 -04:00
defmodule Hunter.Account do
@moduledoc """
Account entity
This module defines a `Hunter.Account` struct and the main functions
for working with Accounts.
## Fields
* `id` - the ID of the account
* `username` - the username of the account
* `acct` - equals `username` for local users, includes `@domain` for remote ones
* `display_name` - the account's display name
* `note` - Biography of user
* `url` - URL of the user's profile page (can be remote)
* `avatar` - URL to the avatar image
* `header` - URL to the header image
* `locked` - boolean for when the account cannot be followed without waiting for approval first
* `created_at` - the time the account was created
* `followers_count` - the number of followers for the account
* `following_count` - the number of accounts the given account is following
* `statuses_count` - the number of statuses the account has made
@hunter_api Application.get_env(:hunter, :hunter_api)
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
id: non_neg_integer,
username: String.t,
acct: String.t,
display_name: String.t,
note: String.t,
url: URI.t,
avatar: URI.t,
header: URI.t,
locked: String.t,
created_at: String.t,
followers_count: non_neg_integer,
following_count: non_neg_integer,
statuses_count: non_neg_integer
@derive [Poison.Encoder]
defstruct [:id,
@doc """
Retrieve account of authenticated user
## Parameters
* `conn` - Connection credentials
@spec verify_credentials(Hunter.Client.t) :: Hunter.Account.t
def verify_credentials(conn) do
@doc """
Retrieve account
## Parameters
* `conn` - Connection credentials
* `id`
@spec account(Hunter.Client.t, non_neg_integer) :: Hunter.Account.t
def account(conn, id) do
@hunter_api.account(conn, id)
@doc """
Get a list of followers
## Parameters
* `conn` - Connection credentials
* `id`
@spec followers(Hunter.Client.t, non_neg_integer) :: [Hunter.Account.t]
def followers(conn, id) do
@hunter_api.followers(conn, id)
@doc """
Get a list of followed accounts
## Parameters
* `conn` - Connection credentials
* `id`
@spec following(Hunter.Client.t, non_neg_integer) :: [Hunter.Account.t]
def following(conn, id) do
@hunter_api.following(conn, id)
@doc """
Follow a remote user
## Parameters
* `conn` - Connection credentials
* `uri` - URI of the remote user, in the format of username@domain
@spec follow_by_uri(Hunter.Client.t, URI.t) :: Hunter.Account.t
def follow_by_uri(conn, uri) do
@hunter_api.follow_by_uri(conn, uri)