defmodule Discordirc.IRC do use GenServer require Logger defmodule State do defstruct server: nil, ssl?: nil, port: nil, pass: nil, nick: nil, user: nil, name: nil, channels: nil, client: nil, network: nil def from_params(params) when is_map(params) do Enum.reduce(params, %State{}, fn {k, v}, acc -> case Map.has_key?(acc, k) do true -> Map.put(acc, k, v) false -> acc end end) end end alias ExIRC.Client alias ExIRC.SenderInfo alias Discordirc.ChannelMap alias Discordirc.Formatter alias Nostrum.Api, as: DiscordAPI def start_link(%{:network => network} = params) when is_map(params) do state = %State{State.from_params(params) | :channels => ChannelMap.getircchannels(network)} GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [state], name: String.to_atom(network)) end def init([state]) do {:ok, client} = ExIRC.start_link!() Process.flag(:trap_exit, true) Client.add_handler(client, self()) Logger.debug("connecting #{if state.ssl? do "ssl" else "unsecured" end} on #{} (#{state.server} #{state.port})") if state.ssl? do Client.connect_ssl!(client, state.server, state.port) else Client.connect!(client, state.server, state.port) end {:ok, %State{state | :client => client}} end def handle_info(:logged_in, state) do Logger.debug("Logged in to #{state.server}:#{state.port}") for c <- state.channels, do: Client.join(state.client, c) {:noreply, state} end def ircsplit(str, pfxlen) do str |> String.split(" ") |> Enum.chunk_while( [], fn ele, acc -> if Enum.join(Enum.reverse([ele | acc]), " ") |> String.length() > 512 - pfxlen do {:cont, Enum.reverse(acc), [ele]} else {:cont, [ele | acc]} end end, fn [] -> {:cont, []} acc -> {:cont, Enum.reverse(acc), []} end ) |> x -> Enum.join(x, " ") end) |> x -> case String.length(x) do n when is_integer(n) and n > 512 -> x |> String.to_charlist() |> Enum.chunk_every(512 - pfxlen) |> _ -> x end end) |> List.flatten() |> Enum.filter(&(&1 !== "")) end def discord_ircsplit(msg, nick, target) do pfx = "PRIVMSG #{target} :" |> String.length() nkl = "<#{nick}> " |> String.length() msg |> String.split("\n") |>, pfx+nkl)) |> List.flatten() end def handle_info({:discordmsg, msg}, state) do channel = ChannelMap.irc(msg.channel_id) {usr, response} = Formatter.from_discord(msg) case channel do {:ok, _, chan} -> # irc messages can only be 512b in length split_response = case response do x when is_binary(x) -> discord_ircsplit(x, usr, chan) x when is_list(x) -> x |>, usr, chan)) |> List.flatten() end case split_response do x when is_binary(x) -> ExIRC.Client.msg(state.client, :privmsg, chan, "<#{usr}> #{x}") x when is_list(x) -> for m <- x, do: ExIRC.Client.msg(state.client, :privmsg, chan, "<#{usr}> #{m}") end end {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:connected, server, port}, state) do Logger.debug("Connected to #{server}:#{port}") Logger.debug("Logging to #{server}:#{port} as #{state.nick}..") Client.logon(state.client, state.pass, state.nick, state.user, {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:received, msg, %SenderInfo{:nick => nick}, channel}, state) do discordid = ChannelMap.discord(, channel) fmsg = Formatter.from_irc(nick, msg, false) case discordid do {:ok, x} -> send( :WebhookService, {:irc, %{channel_id: x, nick: "#{nick}@#{}", content: fmsg}} ) end {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:me, msg, %SenderInfo{:nick => nick}, channel}, state) do discordid = ChannelMap.discord(, channel) fmsg = Formatter.from_irc(nick, msg, true) case discordid do {:ok, x} -> send( :WebhookService, {:irc, %{channel_id: x, nick: "#{nick}@#{}", content: fmsg}} ) end {:noreply, state} end # lets try using the supervisor instead... def handle_info(:disconnected, state) do Logger.debug("Disconnected, throwing self to hell.") {:stop, "disconnection", state} end # def handle_info(:disconnected, state) do # if state.ssl? do # Client.connect_ssl!(state.client, state.server, state.port) # else # Client.connect!(state.client, state.server, state.port) # end # # {:noreply, state} # end def handle_info(_event, state) do {:noreply, state} end def terminate(_, state) do Logger.debug("Qutting...") Client.quit(state.client, "discordirc.ex") Client.stop!(state.client) :ok end end